Category: Yogyakarta
Gas Lift And Production Optimization Ibis Malioboro Hotel,Yogyakarta | May 3-7, 2010 | Rp.8.250.000,- COURSE OBJECTIVE The objective of this course is to provide comprehensive coverage of Gas Lift design in Production Optimization. The latest technology multi phase flow and inflow well performance is covered. Continuous flow and intermittent lift including valve mechanics . . . Read more
Technical Aspect of Plan of Development (POD) for Oil Industry Plaza Hotel, Jogjakarta | June 01-03, 2010 | US$ 880.00/person OUTLINE Plan of Development (POD) is a Development Plan for one or more oil and gas field an integrated to develop or produce hydrocarbons reserves optimally by considering the technical aspects in one or more oil and gas field in accordance with the point of view of technology and economic determination and evaluation. COURSE CONTENT Introduction Geology and Geophysics (G&G) Aspects Petrophysic data and parameters Fracture analysis from petrophysic data Petrophysisc validation and cut-off determination Data input for geology modeling Dual porosity model Facies model Porosity and permeability distribution model Reservoir Engineering Aspects to POD Petroleum system Reservoir rock and fluid properties Reserve estimations Reservoir drive mechanisms Validation and Data Production Analysis Well status and well history Decline analysis Decline analysis application on field optimization Field development justification based on production data Development Plan and Reservoir Simulation Data preparation Initialization History matching Forecasting/prediction Economic Evaluation and Analysis Case Study PARTICIPANTS Everyone who wants to understand about overall technical aspect of POD from petroleum geologist, reservoir and production engineers, and they are in their daily job need this material which related with this course. INSTRUCTOR Dr. Ir. . . . Read more
WELL LOG DATA INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS Jogjakarta | June 1-4, 2010 | IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person 1. Introduction Effect of Logging Data/Information to Drilling Operation and Production Operation Logging Data to Optimize Drilling Operation Logging Data to Determine Problems during Production 2. Formation Evaluation in Open Hole Fluid Reservoir Characteristics Permeable, . . . Read more
GPS (Global Positioning System) Wisma MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 19 – 21 April 2010 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 4.000.000,- DESKRIPSI Dalam memanfaatkan teknologi GPS untuk keperluan survei dan pemetaan, sangat tergantung dari tipe dan jenis receiver, metoda pengukuran, dan proses data dan ketelitian yang diperlukan. Pemilihan metoda, . . . Read more
Surface Production System and Facilities Melia Purosani Hotel Yogyakarta | April 5-8, 2010 | Rp. 7.250.000,- Novotel Hotel, Batam | Jun 14-17, 2010 | Rp. 7.250.000,- OBJECTIVES After joining in this course, the Participants will be able and capable to: Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling processes . . . Read more
Well Stimulation: Acidizing and Hydraulic Fracturing Ibis Malioboro Hotel, Yogyakarta | May 17-19, 2010 | Rp. 5.250.000,- OBJECTIVES One of the the most important factors in any lateral drilling project, regardless of the radii involved, is the fluid medium utilized in the both the drilling and completion phases. The physical . . . Read more
PREDICTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Hotel Grand Zuri , Yogyakarta | 17 – 19 Juni 2014 | IDR 6.000.000 Hotel Grand Zuri , Yogyakarta | 25 – 27 Juni 2014 | IDR 6.000.000 Hotel Grand Zuri , Yogyakarta | 02 – 04 Juli 2014 | IDR 6.000.000 Hotel Grand Zuri , Yogyakarta | 14 – 16 Juli 2014 | IDR 6.000.000 Hotel Grand Zuri , Yogyakarta | 29 – 31 Juli 2014 | IDR 6.000.000 Jadwal Training 2014 . . . Read more