Category: Balikpapan
Power Generators and Voltage Regulators Grand 3 Mustika Hotel, Blikpapan | 26-28 Oktober 2011 | Rp 6.500.000,- Description This four-day technical course includes a detailed study of power generators and voltage regulators, and the interaction between the two. The course also provides a solid understanding of generator paralleling, VAR flows, . . . Read more
ADVANCED CABLE ACCESSORIES Blue Sky Hotel, Balikpapan | Tuesday -Wednesday 19th – 21 Oktober 2011 | 08.00– 16.00 WIB | IDR 6.500.000, – / participants non Residensial Course Description: Professional “On-site” training on Distribution underground cable accessories from 5KV – 69KV from various manufacturers. The course is designed according to the type of . . . Read more
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION & NEGOTIATION Zurich Hotel , Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur | Selasa-Rabu, 26-27 Oktober 2011 | IDR 6.500.000,- Deskripsi : Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan membuat suatu kontrak menjadi semakin kompleks dimana melibatkan pula sejumlah para pengambil keputusan yang semakin banyak dan adanya resiko dari pihak – pihak yang terkait, sehingga pembuatan dan . . . Read more