“CONTROL VALVES AND ACTUATORS: Selection, Calculations, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance” Ibis Hotels Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 19 s.d 21 November 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,- Per Peserta Deskripsi Extensive course materials provided contained useful information about valves/sizing and selection both theoretical and practical. You will gain a practical understanding . . . Read more
“CONTROL VALVES AND ACTUATORS: Selection, Calculations, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance” – Almost Running Ibis Hotels Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 26 s.d 28 Februari 2013 | Rp 7.500.000,- Per Peserta Deskripsi Extensive course materials provided contained useful information about valves/sizing and selection both theoretical and practical. You will . . . Read more
CONTROL VALVES & ACTUATORS Yogyakarta | 07 – 10 Mei 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000,- DESKRIPSI PELATIHAN Valve merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dari pemipaan dan pemompaan karena mengatur flow dan suhu fluida yang melewatinya. Agar sistem sistem dan proses dapat dikendalikan dengan akurat, presisi dan automatic maka diperlukan control valve yang . . . Read more
Valves and Actuators : Operation and Maintenance Yogyakarta | 23-26 July 2012 | IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant Yogyakarta | 26-29 November 2012 | IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant DESCRIPTION Provides basic instruction and hands-on experience with the most common pipeline valves and actuators used on pipelines; participants visit manufacturing facilities to see first hand how . . . Read more
VALVES AND ACTUATORS (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE) Hotel SANTIKA Yogyakarta | 22th – 25 th November 2011 | IDR 7.000.000,- DESCRIPTION Provides basic instruction and hands-on experience with the most common pipeline valves and actuators used on pipelines; participants visit manufacturing facilities to see first hand how valves are made. These field trips will . . . Read more