Design And Maintenance : Gas, Oil And Water Pipeline
Design And Maintenance : Gas, Oil And Water Pipeline
Jakarta | 14-17 Februari 2012 | Rp. 7.500.000,-
Jakarta | 07-10 Mei 2012 | Rp. 7.500.000,-
Jakarta | 13-16 Agustus 2012 | Rp. 7.500.000,-
Jakarta | 27-30 November 2012 | Rp. 7.500.000,-
To fulfill the oil and gas demand for power generation, recovery processes, and other uses, pipelines are utilized to transport the supply from their source. These pipelines are mostly buried and operate without disturbing normal pursuits.
Construction procedures for most pipeline systems can be adapted to consider specific environmental conditions and are tailored to cause minimal impact on the environment.
Unattended pumping stations move large volumes of oil and petroleum products under high pressure. Many factors have to be considered in the engineering and design of long-distance pipelines, including the nature and volume of fluid to be transported, the length of pipeline, the types of terrain traversed and the environmental constraints. Major factor influencing pipeline system design are: Fluid properties, design condition, supply and demand magnitude/location, Code and standards, Route, topography and access, environmental impact, economic, hydrological impact, seismic and volcanic impacts.
To obtain optimum results for a pipeline transmission system, complex economic and engineering studies are necessary to decide on the pipeline diameter, material, compression/pumping power requirements and location of the pipeline route.
Training material outline :
- Overview of Problems in Gas, Oil and Produced Water Pipeline Operations and Maintenance
- The Pipeline Design Approach and Considerations
- Design of Gas Transmission Pipeline
- Design of Crude, Oil and Produced Water Transportation Pipeline
- Valves, Flanges and Fittings Selection for Crude, Oil, Gas and Produced Water Pipeline Design
A. Chandra / Ibnu Dwinarto
Para Professional dan Praktisiyang memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dibidangnya masing-masing. Dengan berbagai jabatan yang pernah dipegang antara lain : Operational Director, Training & People Development Manager, Training Manager, Head of waste water treatment facility, Finance Director, Financial Planning Manager, Sales Manager, HR Direktur, dll. dan pernah bekerja di perusahaan multinasional maupun organisasi internasional seperti Astra International, The National Conservation – US Based NGO, dll) serta lulusan dari universitas terkemuka dari dalam dan luar negeri
Hotel atau Business Center di Jakarta
Investasi :
- Rp. 7.500.000,-
- (termasuk materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat)