Shutdown, Turnaround and Outages Maintenance Management
Shutdown, Turnaround and Outages Maintenance Management
Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/ Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta | 03 – 04 Agustus 2016 | Rp. 5.145.000
Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/ Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta | 06 – 07 Oktober 2016 | Rp. 5.145.000
Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/ Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta | 15 – 16 Desember 2016 | Rp. 5.145.000
Shutdown, turn around or Outages Maintenance has typical characteristics, that’s different from other type of maintenance. This type of maintenance requires huge resource, because the volume of work which has to be handled is quite huge too. The schedule is usualy very tight, where thousands of tasks should be done in just a few days.
STO Maintenance needs a very good Planning, Scheduling and Project Management approach. Because the volume of the work is quite huge, it is not uncommon to settle a seperate unit of maintenance to handle this type of maintenance.
- Review the concept of Maintenance Management
- Introduce a typical STO Maintenance Management Process
- STO Work / task identification
- Planning and Scheduling
- Monitoring and Control
- Inventory
- Project management
- Savety, quality and risk management
- Introduction
- Overview of Maintenance Management
- Maintenance Stratgey & Planning
- Organization and Role
- Shutdown, turnaround & Outage (STO) Planning and Scheduling
- Work order Concept
- Bakclog Management
- STO Planning
- STO Scheduling
- STO Monitoring and Control
- Monitoring and Control
- Key Performance Indicator
- Inventory
- Contract and budgeting
- Computerized Maintenance Management System
- Safety, Quality and Risk Management
- Managing safety and Quality
- Risk Management
Workshop Leader :
Ir. Rahmat Priyo Handono, MM Rahmat adalah seorang praktisi dan trainer di bidang teknik industri dan manajemen. Setelah lulus dari ITB Bandung jurusan Teknik Industri dan Magister Management dari PPM Jakarta, ia bekerja di sebuah perusahaan asing. Kemudian bersama dengan beberapa rekan alumi ITB, ia mendirikan dan membesarkan sebuah perusahaan pemasok genset system yang sempat menguasai pasar telekomunikasi di Indonesia dan telah bekerjasama dengan PT Excelcomindo, PT Indosat, PT Telkom, PT Telkomsel, Bakrie Telecom, Smart Telecom dan HCPT dalam deployment jaringan mereka, khususnya dalam penyedian back up power. Selama mengembangkan perusahaan miliknya itu, ia mendapatkan pengalaman praktis yang luas di bidang management operasi, financial dan sumber daya manusia. Saat ini ia juga aktif sebagai professional trainer di beberapa lembaga trainer dan telah berpengalaman memberikan berbagai topic training untuk perusahaan-perusahaan seperti Chevron, Total, Holcim, Star Energy, Indoenesian Power dan Viar.
- Rp. 4.050.000,- (Registration 3 person/more; payment 1 week before training)
- Rp. 4.300.000,- (Reg 2 weeks before training ; payment 1 week before training)
- Rp. 4.750.000,- (On The Spot; payment at the last training )
- Rp. 5.145.000- (Full Fare)