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Variable Speed Drives

Variable Speed Drives

Select, Operate, and Maintain Your Variable Speed Drives Properly

Banana Inn Hotel, Bandung  | November 02-04, 2010  | US$ 880.00/person

The main aims of the course are to prepare engineers and technicians that having knowledge on the principles, applications, and troubleshooting of variable speed drives. The course is dedicated for engineers and senior technicians from various industries such as petroleum, petrochemical, textile, cement, and steel industries.


Course Content

The course is conducted through combination of class lectures and experiments by using computer software. The followings are the topics that going to be discussed:

  1. Introduction to Variable Speed Drives
  2. Electric Motors
  3. AC-DC Converters (Rectifiers)
  4. DC-AC Converters (Inverters)
  5. AC-AC Converters
  6. Variable Speed Drive System
  7. Maintenance and Troubleshooting


Experience Instructor:

Dr. Pekik Argo Dahono

Pekik Argo Dahono is a Doctor of Enginering Degree from Department of Electrical an Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Prior to receiving Doctor Degree, he completed his Master Degree in the same university in 1992. He finished his Bachelor Degree at Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) in 1985.

Besides formal education, he also followed non degree programs: Power Quality, EDSA Short Course Program in Detroit, Transient Analysis of Electric Drives Short Course in Singapore, Electric Traction Engineering, IEEE Short Course in Hongkong, Demand Side Management, AIT Short Course in Bangkok, Multilevel Conventers, IEEE Short Course in Aachen.

Pekik Argo Dahono conducts major teaching and research programs in Power Electronics, Application of Electrical Machinery, Control of Static Power Converters, Control of Electrical Machinery, Signal and System, Power Quality etc. He is a Head of Electrical Energy Conversion Research Laboratory, Institute of Technology Bandung since 2001.

He has a numerous experience as a Project Director and Consultant, such as Power System Study at Petrochina Ltd, Life Assessment of Synchronous Generator at PT. Geodipa Energy, Electric Fire, Investigation at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Industrial Power System Study at PT. Pertamina Tanjung, Variable Speed Drives Problem Assessment at PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, etc.

He has received numerous awards both Domestic and outside the country: Conference Paper Awar from IEE Japan in 1992, scientific writing competition winners among Indonesian students in Japan in 1994, Japan Society for Promotion of Science Research Awards in 1997, Hitachi Kimmai Fellowship Awards in 1997, Toray Research Fellowship Awards in 1998, Asahi Glass Research Awards in 1998, PII Engineering Awards in 2006, ASEAn Engineering Achievement Awards in 2006 and recently he got STEI Awards. He is also a membership of IEEE and IEE Japan.


About The Tuition Fee

  • US$ 880.00/person from 1 (one) Company (Deadline until October 25, 2010)
  • Special discount if you register more than 3 (Three) Participants from 1 (one) Company


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