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Variable Speed Drives

Variable Speed Drives

Bandung | 27 – 29 Oktober 2015 | at Proposal

This training provides knowledge and skills about the operation and maintenance of automatic speed controller which can be set from the electric motors in the industry. Training is emphasized in the selection of choosing the type of VSD, performance and the way the operation / installation of electric motors as well as ways to do component testing, installation, protection and trouble shooting in the VSD. It is expected the participants to understand the mechanism of action and the maintenance of a Speed ??Drives comprehensively.

Course Contents

The course is conducted through combination of class lectures and experiments by using computer software.
The followings are the topics that going to be discussed:

  • The working principle Electric motors
  • Characteristics of Industrial Electric motors
  • 3Performance Electric Motors in abnormal conditions
  • Principles of Electric Motor Speed ??control in the Industry
  • Static converters
  • Various kinds of AC Motor Speed ??Control
  • Power Semiconductor Component Testing
  • Principles of Automatic control system
  • Elements of Control Systems
  • Induction Motor Speed ??Controller  Installation and protection
  • Trouble shooting VSD

Aim of the Course
The main aims of the course are to prepare engineers and technicians that having knowledge on the principles, applications, and troubleshooting of variable speed drives.

Expected Participants
The course is dedicated for operators, technicians, engineers who want to know / explore the technical operation and maintenance of speed control system.


Drs. Ir. HASAN SURYA, MT. He is a lecturer in Polythechnic of Bandung since 1985. His core of competencies are Power Electronics, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Basic Control System, Use of Computers in Power System, high Voltage Engineering. Aside those, he also spent his time as a Speaker, such as Workshop on Power Electronic and Electrical Machines-WPE III, ITB, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronic and Drive System, Bali, etc. To sharpen his knowledge, he has followed several training: PLC based Industrial Control, third country training course on electronic engineering education, microcontroller application, design of the system dinamics.

Ir. Muhammad Anda Falahuddin, MT. He is one of the lecturers in State Polytechnic of Bandung. He teaches controlling electric motor, basic electrical engineering, maintenance and repair practices of RHVAC, and also digital electronics of RHVAC. He took his master degree in ITB, majoring electrical energy system. His scientific researches that he has written are failure analysis differential relays on the power transformer due to the interference outside the pacifier region, and making Dispatcher training simulator for the SCADA system of electricity distribution network.

Ir. Kartono Wijayanto, MT

Fee includes the following:

  • Three-day registration fee for all Training sessions
  • If Not Fasting: Lunch per day; Daily coffee/ tea breaks
  • If Fasting: Dinner + Ta’jil per day
  • Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)
  • Quality Training Kits,
  • Convenient Training Facilites,
  • Certifícate of  Compleción.



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