Electrical Protection System
Electrical Protection System
Hotel Melia Purosani, Yogyakarta | 27 s.d 29 Februari 2012 | Rp. 7. 500.000,- / Peserta
Hotel Melia Purosani, Yogyakarta | 28 s.d 30 Mei 2012 | Rp. 7. 500.000,- / Pesert
The objective of this course is to provide the participants with theory and practical aspects of bearing technology and lubrication for industrial applications. The course will discuss rolling element bearing, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic bearing technology, including the selection of bearing type and size, applications, mounting and dismounting, maintenance, and bearing failures.
Application engineers, design engineers and electrical engineers, etc.
Materi pokok pelatihan:
1.Working with Diagrams
- Symbols / Numbering
- Schematics
- Wiring
2.Protective Relays
3.Current Transformer
- Construction
- Tests
- Compensation
- Burden
- Errors – Ratio and Phase
4.Injection Tests
5.Commissioning and Maintenance Tests for:
- Feeder Protection
- Plant Protection
- Circuit Breaker Protection
- Auto Switching facilities
- Back Up Protection
- Tripping, Alarm and Indications
- Data logging
7.Managing Repairs
- Work Planning
- Resources
- Supervision
- Co-ordination
8.Additional Plant Tests (if required for Distribution emergency Fault management staff)
- Pressure Test HV Cables
- T/F Vector Tests
- Buchholz
- Winding Protection
- Resistance of Windings
METODE : Presentation, Discussion, Simulation and Evaluation
Presentasi, Diskusi, Simulasi, Studi kasus, Evaluasi
Ir. Teguh Santoso and Team
- Batch I : 27 s.d 29 Februari 2012
- Batch II : 28 s.d 30 Mei 2012
- Hotel Melia Purosani, Yogyakarta
- Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
(Inhouse Training Depend on Request)
Fee course :
- Rp. 7.500.000,-/participant (non residential)
- Free Discount 5 % for 3 participant