By June 4, 2012 0 Comments Read More →


Hotel Harris, Jakarta |  13-14 Juni 2012 | Rp 3.500.000,-
Hotel Harris, Jakarta | 3-4 September 2012 | Rp 3.500.000,-

About Accident Investigation

In spite of our best efforts, things occasionally do go wrong. While many accidents seem to happen for “obvious” reasons, there may be things that contribute to an accident which are not always apparent.

That is why it is vital to conduct a thorough Accident Investigation whenever a workplace incident occurs. By following clear and precise steps, investigators can sometimes uncover these “underlying causes” of a mishap.

An Accident Investigation has two main goals.

  • 1. to determine the cause of the accident.
  • 2. to use this information to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

For these reasons it is important that anyone who can contribute to an Accident Investigation does everything possible to help the investigators. Managers, supervisors and other employees can, and should, all play a part.

The Accident Investigation training program was designed to cover the entire incident investigation process from securing the site to implementing follow-up actions.

Course Structure and Organization :

The main course topics included:

  • Management Systems and Guidelines
  • The Goals of an Accident Investigation.
  • Securing the Site/Investigation
  • Team Considerations
  • Information Gathering (e.g. interviewing, reviewing documentation)
  • Incident Causation Model
  • Incident Analysis
    • Casual Factors Charting
    • Root Cause Map
  • Investigation Report
  • Follow-up Activities
  • Case Study
  • Sharing of Incident Learnings

The main emphasis in the course is on information gathering (interviewing) and incident analysis. As mentioned earlier, a case study of an actual incident is worked in “teams” to simulate an actual incident investigation.

The participants are given some background and basic incident information and have to gather additional information from the instructors who play roles as different operations personnel (e.g. crane operator, foreman, and mechanic).

The investigation teams then analyze the information to determine events, conditions, gaps in data, causal factors, and ultimately root causes.Practical exercises, videos and several discussion sessions also illustrate and reinforce key concepts covered in the training.


 Ir. I MADE SUDARTA, MKKK. Yang bersangkutan telah menamatkan pendidikan S1 dalam bidang  Teknik Mesin pada tahun 1990 dan menyelesaikan pendidikan S2 di Universitas Indonesia dengan penelitian Manajemen Risiko pada perpipaan.  Telah banyak pelatihan dan pengalaman yang bersangkutan dalam bidang mutu dan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja) selama yang bersangkutan bekerja di perusahaan EPC (Engineering, Procurement dan Construction) di perusahaan EPC –BUMN terbesar dan Multinasional Engineering Company

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