Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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Wisma MM UGM – Yogyakarta  | 25 – 27 Oct 2011  | Rp. 7.500.000,- / participant 


This is an advanced level course intended for engineers with background in mechanical, structural or related engineering disciplines. Learn how to compute natural frequencies and response to dynamic forces, and design to reduce vibration of new and existing systems. Rotating equipment, their supports and foundations, vibration absorbers (tuned mass dampers), vibration isolators, blast loads, earthquakes, transportation vibrations, flow-induced vibrations and vibration monitoring are discussed. Benchmarking analytical results with test results or field data will also be taught. Emphasis of the course is not on derivation of equations but on assumptions and limitations of various analysis technique, and guidelines on when to use which method. A number of example problems and case studies are presented to illustrate the methods


  • Learn how to compute frequencies of complex equipment, structures and systems.
  • Learn how to compute response to machinery operations, human activities, earthquakes and blast loads.
  • Learn different methods of reducing vibrations of new and existing equipment and structures (frequency separation techniques, dampening, vibration absorbers (tuned mass dampers), vibration isolation, etc.).
  • Gain exposure to special topics such as solid-fluid systems and flow-induced vibrations.


1. Fundamentals and theory

  • One- and two-degrees-of-freedom systems
  • Harmonic, transient and impulse forces

2. Base excitations
3. Dynamic amplification factors
4. Transfer functions
5. Multiple-degrees-of-freedom systems
6. Natural frequencies and mode shapes
7. Practical aspects of finite element method
8. Basic concepts, assumptions and limitations
9. Synthesis of test and analysis results
10. Fine-tuning FE models using test data
11. Test-analysis correlation
12. Rotating equipment
13. Machinery foundation and supports
14. Vibration absorbers and isolators
15. Components immersed in fluid
16. Vibration monitoring and problem diagnosis Transportation of sensitive equipment


Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, MT dan Tim
(expert & practinioners in mechanical)


Engineers, engineering supervisors and managers responsible for designing or qualifying mechanical components, equipment, piping and structures subjected to dynamic forces; those responsible for auditing, reviewing, or approving shock and vibration analysis tasks. Those with a few years of experience in vibration analysis as well as those who are new to the area will benefit. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is necessary.


Presentation, discussion, case study, and evaluation


  • Program pelatihan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 – 27 Oct 2011
  • at Wisma MM UGM, Yogyakarta


  • Training Fee: Rp. 7.500.000,- / peserta ( non residensial )
  • Special Rate: Rp.7.000.000,-/peserta (non residensial) untuk pengiriman minimal 3 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.

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