By February 14, 2010 0 Comments Read More →

Condition-Base Maintenance Technique and Management

Condition-Base Maintenance Technique and Management

Novotel Hotel, Bandung | March 29-April 1, 2010 | Rp.7.250.000,-


Diesel engines and reciprocating compressors are the most common equipment used in the industries nowadays. Periodic monitoring gives operator opportunity to observe and to predict possible early failure. The continuous information and monitoring will enable operator to monitor possible early failure trends and to aid predicted failure. Predictive maintenance is the third generation of maintenance method. It plays an importance and critical roles to optimize overall plant expenses and production cost.

In this 5-day seminar, selected participants will learn how to do predictive and preventive maintenance properly. The participants will also learn and practice how to measure engine performance using software & hardware in the Combustion Engines & Propulsion System Laboratory of ITB. The participants will also review the actual case studies withdrawn from the industries and solved by the Laboratory.


  1. Basic Theory of Predictive Maintenance Method
    • Conditions monitoring as part of predictive maintenance
    • Performance trending analysis as back bone of predictive maintenance
    • Root cause of engine failure related to predictive maintenance
    • Parameter of operating conditions related to predictive maintenance
  2. Predictive Maintenance of Lubrication System
    • Monitoring lubrication system & lubricating oil
    • Lubricating oil performance analysis in predictive maintenance analysis
  3. Vibration Analysis
    • Data acquisition and time wave form analysis
    • Orbit analysis
    • Amplitude analysis Vs time
    • Phase analysis
    • Data interpretation
    • Continuous monitoring and diagnosis
    • Vibration on reciprocating engines
  4. Reciprocating Engines Predictive Maintenance
    • Condition monitoring
    • Advantage of program
    • Reliable detection to increasing disturbance
    • Determine condition and mechanical performance
    • Information to support knowledge of detected components behavior
    • Cost effective implementation
  5. Predictive Maintenance of Reciprocating Compressors
    • Decrease pressure Vs crank angle curve
    • Decrease pressure Vs volume curve
    • Analysis of P-T and P-V curves
    • Analysis of vibration pattern
    • Analysis of lubricating oil
    • Problems finding and diagnosis
  6. Predictive Maintenance of Diesel Engines
    • Decrease pressure Vs crank angle curve
    • Decrease pressure Vs volume curve
    • Analysis of P-T and P-V curves
    • Analysis of vibration pattern
    • Analysis of lubricating oil
    • Problems finding and diagnosis
  7. Preparation of Predictive Maintenance Organization
    • Program preparation, Define approach and goal setting
    • Action plan of implementation, set up checklist and procedure
  8. Case Studies
    • Predictive maintenance of large diesel engines at PT. PLN Batam & Riau, PT. Semen Padang, PT. Tambang Timah.
  9. Workshop
    • Monitor and measure engine performance using software and hardware of Predictive Maintenance at ITB-Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion System.


The following selected participants should attend this course:

  • Maintenance Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor
  • Rotating Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor
  • Power Plant Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor
  • Manufacturing Manager
  • Everybody who wants to add knowledge and interest in the above subject.


Chakimulmal Jasjkur, M.Sc and Team

Ir. Chakimoel Jasjkur Msc. received his bachelor and master degree from Mechanical Engineering Department of ITB in 1987 and 1993 respectively. His technical paper about combustion engines and propulsion system was published in the 8th International Pasific Conference in 1995 in Japan. His duty is lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department of ITB. He also teaches intensive preventive and predictive maintenance of diesel engines and compressors.

In a team, they have successfully handled the following projects:

  • Predictive maintenance projects at diesel engines at PT. Semen Padang & PT. Tambang Timah and predictive maintenance projects at diesel power generation plant of PT. PLN Batam, Sekupang I &II, Sei Baloi, Batu Ampar, Tanjung Sengkuang and Air Raja Riau.
  • PT. Pupuk Kaltim MIX diesel engine re-design
  • Diesel engine performance test manufactured by PT. Boma Bisma Indra
  • Conversion from diesel fuel engine to dual fuel system engine (gas and diesel fuel)
  • Lube oil and fuel analysis and mechanical components failure analysis

March 29-April 1, 2010
4 days

Novotel Hotel, Bandung

Tuition Fee
Rp.7.250.000,-per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.


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