Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

Butuh Training tentang Engineering?

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Yogyakarta | 20-23 November 2012 | Rp 6.000.000,- /participant 


Construction Safety Design and Management shall be held every activity in the control of the development work which has responsibility for health and safety. Examine the working conditions of a healthy and safe before work begins, and ensure that the proposed work will not put others at risk, requiring planning and organization. This applies whatever the size of the task.

The construction safety and health professional must know both the risks involved in construction and those posed by the environment of the work site. That’s why they should to attend this construction safety course


After completing the Construction Safety Design and Management Training, participants will be equipped with a basic understanding of the following:

  • To create an awareness and understanding of the Construction Safety Design and Management.
  •   To provide you with the skills to do:
  1.  Eliminate hazards
  2. Reduce risks when hazards cannot be eliminated
  3. Provide warning devices
  4.  Develop and implement procedures and training
  5.  Engineering controls


  1. When does CDM apply?
  2. Notification of a Construction Project on Form – F10
  3. The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
  4. Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
  5. CDM – The Role of the Client
  6. CDM – The Role of the Planning Supervisor
  7. CDM – The Role of the Designer
  8. CDM – The Role of The Principal Contractor
  9. CDM – The Roles of Contractors and The Self-Employed
  10. The Health and Safety File
  11. Electrical construction & Fall protection construction
  12. Crane Construction & Excavation construction
  13. Stair ladders construction & Power tools construction
  14. Scaffolds construction & Material handling construction
  15. PPE construction

 Peserta :

Manager K3/ staff K3, Inspector LK3, HSE Manager/ Engineer/ Supervisor, Plant Manager, Maintenance Manager/ Engineer, Process Facility Manager/ Engineer, Field manager/ engineers.


Widarto Sutrisno, ST, MT

(Expert in Construction Safety Design and Management)


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi & Studi Kasus
  • Kunjungan Lapangan
  • Ujian Akhir
  • Evaluasi

Waktu dan tempat:

  • Yogyakarta
  • 20-23 November 2012
  • 08.00– 16.00 WIB


6.000.000 IDR /participant (non residensial)*

Special Rate:

5.000.000 IDR (non residential – min 5 participants from the same company)


  • Module / Handout
  • Training Kit
  • Coffe Break & Lunch
  • Souvenir
  • Sertificate
  • Airport pick up services
  • Transportation during training



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