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Conveyor Design

Conveyor Design

Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 13 – 16 May 2015 | IDR 7,000,000
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 02 – 05 September 2015 | IDR 7,000,000
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 12 – 15 October 2015 | IDR 7,000,000



The Conveyor Design course covers the fundamentals of belt conveyor engineering including: belt width and velocity selection, conveyor power demand, belt sag, drive traction, drive types, brakes and holdbacks, information on conveyor arrangements, vertical curves and transitions, material trajectory calculations etc. plus belt, idler and pulley selection. In many of these topics, outdated conventional design methods are challenged and alternative solutions provided. While some people may feel that they already have an adequate understanding of these topics, the real value of this course comes from the fact that it is packed with practical information that is not available in other texts.


This Conveyor Design course is suitable for engineers employed in the design, operation and maintenance of belt conveyor systems, from graduates with a few years experience, through to engineering and maintenance managers.


The objective of the conveyor design course is to give engineers a full understanding of the conveyor design and equipment selection process, together with features of belt conveyors that should be avoided. This knowledge can then be used, not only in the design of new conveyor systems, but also by project engineers involved with new conveyors or existing conveyor upgrades and by those involved with the operation or maintenance of conveyor systems.


  1. Introduction, including brief history of belt conveying.
  2. Material properties.
  3. Conveyor surcharge angle and burden edge distance selection, including the influence of loading area design and belt velocity on surcharge angles.
  4. Idler geometry, including troughing angle and centre roll length considerations.
  5. Belt width and velocity selection.
  6. Flooded belt considerations including determining the length of flooded belt resulting from overlapping stopping times and the approximate force required to extract material from a blocked chute.
  7. Conveyor power demand calculation.
  8. How conveyor design packages work, including basic information on rigid body acceleration and deceleration calculations.
  9. Differences between rigid body and flexible body dynamic analysis.
  10. Belt sag requirements.
  11. Drive traction calculations, including what actually happens at a drive pulley.
  12. Rubber v ceramic lagging.
  13. Outline of drive types.
  14. Brakes
  15. Determination of holdback requirements.
  16. Transitions.
  17. Vertical curves.
  18. Conveyor layouts including features to avoid.
  19. Uneven wear problems on pulleys.
  20. Shuttle conveyors.
  21. Travelling trippers, including the design of tripper belt profiles.
  22. Take-up systems.
  23. Trajectory calculations.
  24. Conveyor belting.
  25. Skirt systems.
  26. Belt safety factor selection, a new method of assessing safety factors.
  27. Minimum pulley diameter determination.
  28. Pulleys.
  29. Conveyor alignment and belt tracking.
  30. Idlers.
  31. Some general info on the design and construction of the Channar 20 km conveying system.


  • Presentation
  • Discuss
  • Case Study
  • Evaluation
  • Simulation


  • Dafam Fortuna Hotel Jl. Dagen 60 Malioboro Yogyakarta,
    25 – 28 Maret 2015
    13 – 16 May 2015
    02 – 05 September 2015
    12 – 15 October 2015
    04 days (08 am – 04 pm)


Teguh Pudji Purwanto, Ir, MT
Teguh Pudji Purwanto experienced more than 26 years in mechanical industry.


IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant non residential


  • Module / Handout Conveyor Design Training
  • Certificate
  • Souvenir
  • Training Kit
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