Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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Hotel Horison Ultima Riss, Yogyakarta | 04 – 06 Agustus 2015 | IDR 7.000.000
Hotel Horison Ultima Riss, Yogyakarta | 10 – 12 Agustus 2015 | IDR 7.000.000
Hotel Horison Ultima Riss, Yogyakarta | 24 – 26 Agustus 2015 | IDR 7.000.000
Hotel Horison Ultima Riss, Yogyakarta | 09 – 11 September 2015 | IDR 7.000.000
Hotel Horison Ultima Riss, Yogyakarta | 15 – 17 September 2015  | IDR 7.000.000

Jadwal Training 2015 Selanjutnya …




The Basic Corrosion Course for Non Corrosion Engineers focuses on corrosion process and the potential problems caused by corrosion. It provides a basic but thorough review of causes of corrosion and the method by which it can be identified, monitored and controlled. Active participation is encouraged through case studies, examples, and an open discussion format.


  1. Properties of metallic materials
    2. Commonly used carbon and alloyed steels
    3. The nature, scope and language of corrosion
    4. Case studies and examples of industrial corrosion failure
    5. Economic and operational impacts of corrosion failure
    6. Electrochemistry of corrosion process
    7. Anodic and cathodic reactions
    8. Corrosion cell, corrosion potential, and corrosion current
    9. Uniform and localized corrosion
    10. Pitting and stress corrosion cracking
    11. Galvanic corrosion
    12. Ohm”s law and the corrosion rate
    13. Fundamentals of corrosion control and prevention
    14. Corrosion in soils
    15. Principles of cathodic protection
    16. Sacrificial anode and impressed current methods
    17. Cathodic protection testing, monitoring, and inspection
    18. Case studies of corrosion control and prevention by cathodic protection.



Dr. Ir. Viktor Malau, DEA and team



  1. Anyone who needs to recognize corrosion and understand its devastating potential, especially as it relates to his or her area of responsibility, in any industrial, mining, oil and gas production activity.
  2. Non Corrosion Engineers of any discipline.
  3. Technicians and Field Operators.
  4. Pipeline Cathodic Protection Inspectors.
  5. Onshore and offshore structure Inspectors.
  6. Anyone who involves in anti-corrosive chemicals purchasing and material handling.
  7. Other beginners who interested in.


Jadwal Training 2015: Corrosion Engineering for Non Corrosion Engineers

  •  4-6 Agustus
  •  10-12 Agustus
  •  24-26 Agustus
  •  9-11 September
  •  15-17 September
  •  28-30 September
  •  5-7 Oktober
  •  19-21 Oktober
  •  26-28 Oktober
  •  2-4 November
  •  9-11 November
  •  24-26 November
  •  8-10 Desember
  •  15-17 Desember
  •  21-23 Desember 2015
  • Hotel Horison Ultima-Riss | Yogyakarta



  • IDR 7.000.000 per participant (Non-Residential)
  • Minimal participants : 2 persons (Yogyakarta)
  • Yogyakarta : Ibis Styles Dagen, Ibis Malioboro, Horison Ultima-Riss, Harper Mangkubumi, 101 Hotel, Grand Tjokro, Novotel, Grand Aston, Phoenix Hotel | Kuota Min. Peserta: 2 orang
  • Bali : Ibis Styles Kuta, Ibis Dewi Sri, Ibis Bali Kuta, Ibis Circle Kuta, Harris Hotel | IDR. 8.000.000 Per Peserta (Non-Residential) | Kuota Min. Peserta: 5 orang
  • Bandung : De Batara, Amaris, Golden Flower Hotel | IDR. 7.500.000 Per Peserta (Non-Residential) | Kuota Min. Peserta: 5 orang



  • Training Modul
  • Stationeries
  • Certificate
  • Backpack
  • Exclusive Polo shirt
  • Flashdisk containing materials
  • Training photo
  • 2x coffee break and lunch
  • Transportation Service from airport to hotel / training venue (at least for 2 participants from the same company).


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