Distributed Generation and System Interface
Distributed Generation and System Interface
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 20 – 23 May 2015 | IDR 7.000,000.00 / participant
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 24 – 27 Agustus 2015 | IDR 7.000,000.00 / participant
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 08 – 11 December 2015 | IDR 7.000,000.00 / participant
Distributed Generators are installed, mostly, in distribution systems by Electrical Utilities, Industrial Customers and Independent Producers. Distributed Generation enables the utilization of renewable energy sources as well as combining electricity generation with industrial need for process steam in cogeneration plants for better economy. Use of Distributed Generation by electrical utilities allows deferring investment in new transmission and distribution infrastructures
- Power system planning and asset management engineers.
- Distribution system planning, operation and maintenance engineers.
- Distribution system protection and control engineers.
- Independent producers’ and industrial firms’ contemplating investing in DG plants; their technical advisors, prospective designers and operators of these plants.
Distributed Generation (DG) technologies
- Definitions of DG systems
- The current status of power systems
- Structure of conventional power systems
- Backup systems
- The restructuring of power systems
- State-of-the-art Distributed Generation (DG) technologies
- Technical and economical aspects of DG
- DG types :
- Non-renewable types (theory, rating, operations, industrial links, and cost)
- Reciprocating engine generator sets
- Fuel cells
- Micro-turbines
- Hybrid fuel cells/Micro-turbines
- Renewable types (theory, rating, operations, links, and cost)
- Wind energy
- Photovoltaic
- Solar energy
- Biogas
- Distributed Generation (DG) interfacing and applicable standards
- Static power electronic converters based Distributed Generation (DG)
- Rotating machines based DG
- IEEE 1547 National Standard for Interconnecting distributed generation
DG key issues and multi function interfaces
- Distributed Generation (DG) systems functions
- DG as an active power source
- DG attached to PV bus
- DG attached to PQ bus
- Power quality issues and DG
- Harmonic pollution
- Voltage regulation
- Voltage flicker
- Impact of DG on protection systems
- Operating conflicts
- Islanding operation
- Islanding detection techniques
- Utilizing Distributed Generation (DG) interfaces to enhance power quality levels in distribution systems
- Reactive power support
- Voltage regulation
- Harmonic mitigation
- Flicker suppression
- Unbalance mitigation
- Load isolation from supply side voltage quality problems
- Case studies using software simulation packages
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Simulation
Teguh Santoso, Ir
Teguh Santoso experienced more than 26 years in Electrical.
- Dafam fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta
- 20 – 23 May 2015
- 24 – 27 Agustus 2015
- 08 – 11 December 2015
- 4 days – 08 am – 04 pm
IDR 7.000,000.00 per participant non residential
- Module / Handout Distributed Generation and System Interface Training
- Certificate
- Souvenir
- Training Kit