Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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Hotel Melia Purosani, Yogyakarta | 23-25 Januari 2012(3 days training) | Rp. 8.000.000 per peserta (Non Residential)


Optimalization of process of making a circular hole with a drill or other cutting tool, for purposes such as blasting, exploration, prospecting, valuation, or obtaining oil, gas, and water. This course would be ecpected for participants to know and recognize about drilling optimilization and well planning analysis.


Detailed well planning and optimization at rig site are essential in the present business environment. This course puts all the pieces together for an integrated systems view of well planning and construction. Participants leave the course with a through understanding of the entire well planning implementation and analysis process, and specific design steps, processes, and checklists.

Course Content

  1.  Factors influence of drilling      optimalization
  2. Optimalization drilling equipment
  3. Optimalization drilling programs
  4. Drilling operation obstacles
  5. Drilling hazard analysis
  6. Stuck
  7. Blow out
  8. Lost circulation
  9. Analysis and poisoning gas handling
  10. Environment influences in drilling   operation


Drilling and completion engineer, work over engineer, cementing engineer, mud engineer, logistic and marketing engineer, operation engineers and professionals who work and have relationship with oil and gas industry.


Ir. Diarini, MT & Team

Para Instruktur merupakan praktisi ahli dalam bidang petroleum engineering dan reservoir. Berpengalaman dalam memberikan materi pelatihan terkait bidang teknik perminyakan

Time and Venue

  • Tanggal : 23-25 Januari 2012(3 days training)
  • Pukul     : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
  • Tempat  : Hotel Melia Purosani Yogyakarta

Course Fee

Rp. 8.000.000 per peserta (Non Residential), minimal pendaftaran untuk 3 peserta


Meeting room, Module / Handout, Training Kit, Souvenir & Certificate

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