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Electrical Power Distributed Control System

Electrical Power Distributed Control System

Santika Hotel, Bandung | Aug 23 – 26, 2010 | Rp. 7.250.000,-



Distributed Control Systems (DCS) made its first entry in the seventies. Cheap microprocessors made the possibility to distribute control systems across the entire plant. Each controller control a limited part of the plant and each controller communicate to each other using a proprietary communication protocol. This is of course making the system becomes more configurable. DCS uses pre-programmed modules which are available to execute simple and more complex process control tasks. During the years that followed, DCS systems were used throughout the most diverse process industries in both continuous and batch applications. DCS applications in these different control environments made them increasingly mature, hundreds of configurable modules for every possible control problem were developed and stored in the system library. Using DCS, process controllers were able to handle tens, hundreds even thousand of control loops without jeopardizing the reliability of the complete control systems.

This training program is intended to give participants know-how on DCS systems. Moreover, the training will cover an introduction to FIELDBUS. In this program, participants will also know how different DCS with PLC.


Operator, Technician, Maintenance, Engineers dealt with industrial process control and automation.


Provides view to general questions toward Distributed Control System (DCS), such as: How and why DCS evolved? What hardware is used in DCS? And Many more. Compares distributed control to traditional single loop, central computer, PLC and PC architectures.


  • Understand the concept of DCS
  • Explain the components, architectures, operation of DCS and hardware in DCS
  • Apply concepts body/mind reaction to audio and visuals symbols to meaningful human machine interfaces
  • Evaluate and justify potential benefits of DCS to improve productivity
  • Examine evolution of process control to face changing needs


  • Understanding of Distributed Computing
  • Comparison of Current System Philosophies
  • Controller Structure
  • Sequential and Batch Control
  • Operator Interface
  • Alarms and Trending
  • Communication Networks and Field-bus
  • Control Strategy and Configuration
  • System Security
  • Implementation for Industrial Control


  • Examine structure of DCS
  • Practical work using DCS
  • Simulation using Software


  • Class and Lab. Work


DR. Ir. Endra Joelianto

DR. Ir. Endra Joelianto is an expert in control engineering. His outstanding research is: Hybrid Control Systems, Discrete Event Control Systems, Petri Nets Analysis and Application on PLC, Robust PID Controller, Advanced Process Control, Industrial Automation using PLC/DCS. He received first degree (Ir.) in Engineering Physics in 1990 from Department of Engineering Physics, ITB and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Control Engineering in 2001 from Department of Engineering, The Australian National University, Australia.

He is coordinator of Intelligent Control and Automation, and founder of PLC Research Group, Laboratorium Instrumentasi dan Kontrol (LINK), Departemen Teknik Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung. He was the founder and the director of Schneider-OMRON PLC Training Center, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung. The Schneider-OMRON PLC Training Center has cooperation with PT. Schneider Electric Indonesia, PT. OMRON Corporation Japan, Invensys WONDERWARE.

He was the project leader for TPSDP Retooling Program Batch II-DIKNAS for Training Program on “INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING PLC” 2004 and Co-provider for the same retooling program Batch II on “INDUSTRIAL CONTROL AND AUTOMATION” by PT. Cahaya Sumirat, Bandung. In 2005, he leads the retooling project entitled PLC for Industrial Control and Automation at the Department of Engineering Physics, ITB

He attended several professional trainings on PLC, DCS and Instruments Calibration, such as: Yokogawa DCS, Bandung (2000), Implementation of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-17025 and Basic Calibration, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Bandung (2001), Fieldbus Foundation Technology, Singapore (2002), Basic and Advance PLC OMRON, Jakarta (2004), Cleaner Production: Application in Industries, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa-ITB, Bandung (2005). Advanced Process Control, ASPEN Tech., Jakarta, (2005)

He serves as instructor either for public, universities or in-house training on instrumentation and process control to universities, petrochemical or oil and gas companies, such as: PT. NGL Arun, PT. NGL Bontang, PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. Semen Padang, PT. Semen Gresik, PT. Petrokimia Gresik, PT. Semen Cibinong, PT. Indocement, PT. Semen Tigaroda Perkasa, PT. Exspan Nusantara, PT. ALSTOM Indonesia, PERTAMINA, British Petroleoum, Maxus, Amoseas, PT. Nusa Halmahera Mineral, PT. Indonesia Jaya Power, Indonesia Power-Paiton, PT. Riau Pulp and

Paper, Indonesian Cement and Concrete Institut (ISBI), LIPI-Bandung, LAPI-ITB, POLMAN-Bandung, etc.


23 – 26 Agustus 2010
4 days

Santika Hotel, Bandung

Tuition Fee
Rp. 7.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax


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