Knowledge and enhanced understanding to energy audit, application, and implementation in industry
Bandung | 19 – 22 Agustus| Rp 8.750.000/ peserta
Bandung | 16 – 19 September 2019 | Rp 8.750.000/ peserta
Bandung | 21 – 24 Oktober 2019 | Rp 8.750.000/ peserta
Bandung | 18 – 21 November 2019 | Rp 8.750.000/ peserta
Jadwal Training 2019 Selanjutnya …
The implementation of energy conservation technique in a company or industry hasn’t been certainly results a significant operation cost saving. It is usually determined by the ratio of investment cost to the cost gained due to saving of energy consumption. How to know the value of ratio, off course, it firstly has to conduct initial study and measurement. Pre-measurement and post- measurement of energy conservation implementation is well known as “Energy Audit”.
After attending the course it is expected that participant will gain the knowledge and enhance understanding to energy audit, application, and implementation in industry. Tutorial, discussion and exercise of real case study will take an important role in this course.
- The use and utilization of energy audit
- Basic equation of energy transfer
- Basic equation of heat lost
- Friction lost
- Electric lost
- Work and heat calculation
- Energy transfer calculation technique
- Physic parameter measurement technique relates to energy lost
- Technique to collect and record data of energy audit
- Data analysis and its interpretation
- Case study and exercise of real field problem
- Plant , Operation, Production Manager/Superintendent/Engineer
- Design, and Process Superintendent/Engineer
- Mechanical , and Electrical Manager/Superintendent/Engineer
- Maintenance Manager/Superintendent/Engineer
- Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain benefit from this course
Dr. Ir. Halim Abdurachim & Teams
DR. Ir. Halim Abdurachim graduated from Mechanical Engineering ITB. In 1980 he received his Docteur D’Etat es Science from Universite de Perpignan, France in the field of energy conservation, heat transfer and thermodynamic. He also deepened and sharpened his expertise in advanced renewable energy resource for 2 years in 1982 at ACTIM – France and Trieste- Italy. He have been giving for more than 15 years both public and in-house course to TotalFinaElf, Pertamina, PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya, PT. PENI/BP Petrochemical, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Badak NGL for the subject of heat exchanger, piping system, energy conservation techniques, energy audit, thermal isolation techniques, pump and compressor, air conditioning system, and industrial process facility. He currently is senior consultant for oil & gas , and process industry as well as senior lecturer at Mechanical Engineering ITB.
Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Serela, Gino Feruci), Amaroossa Hotel, Noor Hotel, Grand Setiabudi Hotel, dll
4 days
- 19 Agust 2019-22 Agust 2019
- 16 Sep 2019-19 Sep 2019
- 21 Okt 2019-24 Okt 2019
- 18 Nop 2019-21 Nop 2019
- 09 Des 2019-12 Des 2019
- Rp 8.750.000/person (full fare) or
- Rp 8.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
- Rp 8.250.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)
- Training Module
- Training CD contains training material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
- Jacket or waistcoat
- Bag or backpackers
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffee break everyday of training
- Qualified instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)