BANDUNG | Oktober 29 -1 November 2012 | Rp. 9.900.000,-/participant
Course Outline
Overview of Oil and Gas Processing Facilities
- Typical well fluid composition.
- Export gas specifications.
- Near-well surface production facility and the gas plant.
- Process flow diagram.
- Process stream that undergo compression.
Overview of Gas Compression
- Field gas compression.
- Inlet gas compression prior to treating.
- Outlet gas compression prior to export pipeline.
- Compression for gas lift.
- Compression for gas gathering.
- Compression for condensate recovery.
- Compression for transmission and distribution.
- Compression for gas re-injection / pressure maintenance.
Type of Compressor
- Terminology and definitions.
- Positive-displacement or intermittent flow unit.
- Continuous flow unit.
- Reciprocating compressors.
- Rotary positive-displacement compressors.
- Centrifugal compressors.
- Axial compressors.
- Mixed-flow compressors.
- Comparison between compressors.
- Compressors selection.
Thermodynamics of Gas Compression
- Isothermal, isentropic and polytropic ideal compression processes.
- Real gas behavior and equations of state.
- Compression ratio.
- Compression design.
- Determination of the number of stages
- Inlet flow rate.
- Compression power calculation.
Compressor Control and Performance Maps
- Reciprocating compressors.
- Centrifugal compressors.
Performance Calculations for Reciprocating Compressors
- Pulsation control for reciprocating compressors.
- Determination of compression horsepower.
- Generalized compressibility factor.
- Nomograph for diagnosing compressors cylinder.
Performance Calculations for Centrifugal Compressors
- Nomograph for estimating compressor performance.
- Estimation of HP required for compressing natural gas.
- Estimation of compressor HP for discharge pressure 1000 psi.
- Calculation of BHP required for compressing gas.
- Sizing a fuel gas line for a compressor station.
- Estimation of engine cooling water requirements.
- Estimation of fuel requirements for internal combustion engines.
- Estimation of fuel requirements for compressor installation.
- Performance testing guidelines for centrifugal compressors.
Safety and Environmental Considerations
- High pressure hazard.
- Noise hazard.
- Exhaust emissions from compressor power drivers.
- CO emission from gas turbine.
- Production of NOx.
Hilman Ahmad & Associates
- An Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas
- Member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Bandung Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center,
- Has been practicing production operation and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years.
- Post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977.
- Joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.
- Has been delivering training course in production operation and maintenance and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.
Training Venue
schedule, tuition & facilities :
- Language : Bahasa Indonesia
- Text & Handouts : English & Bahasa Indonesia
- Venue : Bandung
- Date : Oktober 29 -1 November 2012
- Duration : 2 days
Registration Fee
- Rp. 9.900.000,-/participant
- Rp. 9.500.000,-/participant for more than 3 (three) participants from 1 (one) Company.
- Rp. 9.000.000,-/participant for more than 5 (five) participants from 1 (one) Company.
Facilities :
- Four-day registration fee for all Training sessions;
- Lunch per day
- Daily coffee/tea breaks
- Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)
- Quality Training Kits,
- Convenient Training Facilites,
- Certifícate of Compleción.
Fee includes the following:
- Registration Form MUST be return in advance for attending the Training
- Full fixed fee is charged regardless of the length of time that registrant attends the Training
- Attendees are expected to attend all Training sessions and are not permitted to attend on a partial basis.
- Cancellation received after the registration deadline, 04 June, 2012 entitles the registrant to pay 25% from total payment.
- Cancellation on the date will be recharged 100% from the fee
- No refund will be issued, if a registrant fails to show up at the Training on-site.