Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

Butuh Training tentang Engineering?

Silakan ketik kebutuhan training Anda di sini. Ada lebih 4.500 topik dan Puluhan Ribu Event sepanjang tahun 2025



Bali | 02 – 04 Juli 2014 | Rp. 8.500.000
Bandung | 02 – 04 Juli 2014  | Rp. 7.500.000
Yogyakarta | 02 – 04 Juli 2014 | IDR  6.500.000
Bali | 09 – 11 Juli 2014 | Rp. 8.500.000
Bandung | 09 – 11 Juli 2014 | Rp. 7.500.000
Yogyakarta | 09 – 11 Juli 2014 | 6.500.000

Jadwal Training 2014 Selanjutnya …




  1. Gas properties overview, including viscosity, pressure, compressibility factor and gas laws
  2. How to calculate the compressibility factor of a gas using the Standing-Katz chart
  3. How to calculate the properties of a natural gas mixture
  4. Calculating pressure drop due to friction in a gas pipeline using the General Flow Equation
  5. Use of other gas pipeline pressure drop equations, including Panhandle A, Panhandle B, Weymouth and the IGT equation.
  6. Friction factor and transmission factors used in gas pipeline pressure drop equations
  7. Gas pipeline velocity and erosion velocity calculations
  8. Calculation of pressure drop in long pipelines by subdividing into short segments
  9. The use of compressor stations and pipeline looping to increase gas throughput
  10. Compressor station fundamental calculations, including compression ratio, efficiency and horsepower
  11. Calculation of allowable pipe pressure using design factors based on the location of the pipeline and its proximity to populated areas


Sigit Budi, ST., MT and team



  1. Maintenance Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor
  2. Rotating Engineer/ Superintendent/Supervisor
  3. Power Plant Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor.
  4. Everybody who wants to add knowledge and interest in the above subject


Lecturing, workshop, interactive discussion, sharing and case study.


  • 2-4 Juli / 9-11 Juli / 23-25 Juli / 4-6 Agustus / 13-15 Agustus /26-28 Agustus / 1-3 September /17-19 September / 23-25 September / 7-9 Oktober / 14-16 Oktober / 28-30 Oktober / 5-7 November / 12-14  November / 18-20 November / 26-28 November / 3-5 Desember / 10-12 Desember / 15-17 Desember / 29-31 Desember 2014
  • Hotel Novotel – Yogyakarta


  • IDR  6.500.000 per participant (Non-Residential)
  • Minimal participants : 2 persons (Yogyakarta)
  • Bali, Ibis Styles Kuta, Ibis Legian Hotel, Hard Rock Café Hotel | Rp. 8.500.000 Per Peserta | Kuota Min. Peserta: 5 orang
  • Bandung, De Batara Hotel, Banana Inn Hotel, Golden Flower hotel | Rp. 7.500.000 Per Peserta | Kuota Min. Peserta: 5 orang



  • Training Modul,
  • Exclusive Backpack,
  • Stationeries,
  • Sertifikat Training,
  • Exclusive Polo shirt atau jaket,
  • Flashdisk berisi materi training  gas pipeline hydraulic,
  • 2x coffee break dan makan siang,
  • Picking-up service dari Bandara ke hotel/training venue (Minimal 2  orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama).

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