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Get better understanding of grounding system especially for people and Industry 

Yogyakarta | 03 – 06 September 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 21 – 24 Oktober 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 05 – 08 November 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 02 – 05 Desember 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta




In electrical engineering, grounding system can refer to the reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages are measured, or a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth. Electrical circuits may be connected to ground (earth) for several reasons. In mains powered equipment, exposed metal parts are connected to ground to prevent user contact with dangerous voltage if electrical insulation fails. Connections to ground limit the build-up of static electricity when handling flammable products or electrostatic-sensitive devices.In some telegraph and power transmission circuits, the earth itself can be used as one conductor of the circuit, saving the cost of installing a separate return conductor. For measurement purposes, the Earth serves as a (reasonably) constant potential reference against which other potentials can be measured. An electrical ground system should have an appropriate current-carrying capability to serve as an adequate zero-voltage reference level. In electronic circuit theory, a “ground” is usually idealized as an infinite source or sink for charge, which can absorb an unlimited amount of current without changing its potential. Where a real ground connection has a significant resistance, the approximation of zero potential is no longer valid. Stray voltages or earth potential rise effects will occur, which may create noise in signals or if large enough will produce an electric shock hazard.



After attending the course the participant will gain the followings :

  • Get better understanding of grounding system especially for people and Industry
  • Better understanding of grounding behavior and characteristic
  • Enhance knowledge of grounding system and all aspects
  • Better knowledge of grounding system effect to damage of electrical installation if exposed to lightning hit
  • Better knowledge of specification and assessment of grounding system



  1. Introduction to the grounding system
  2. Type and characteristic of grounding
  3. Grounding system design calculation
  4. Installation  of grounding system
  5. Grounding system for Electrical Equipments (Generator, Trafo, Motor, ect)
  6. Grounding system for Electrical trasmmision and Distribution System
  7. Grounding system for Electronic devices ( Computer, PABX, Server ect)
  8. Grounding system for lightning protection system
  9. Effect of grounding system to lightning protection system
  10. Assessment of the existing system and improvement when necessary
  11. Testing of the installated of grounding system
  12. Case study and Discuse



  1. Electric Engineer /Supervisor/ Superintendent
  2. Plant Maintenance Engineer/Supervisor/Superintendent
  3. Plant and Process Engineer/Supervisor/Superintendent
  4. Safety and Lost Prevention Engineer/Supervisor/Superintendent
  5. Electrical and Mechanical Design Engineer
  6. Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain benefit from this course



Tugino, ST.,MT. dan Tim

Tugino,ST.,MT. was graduated from electrical engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada,UGM Yogyakarta. He is lecturer at electrical engineering STTNAS Yogyakarta, for some subjects such as robotics, control engineering, Programmable Logic Controller(PLC), computer network, instrumentation and measurement, electric installation. And also as lecturer at mechanical engineering UJB Yogyakarta for subject electrical power engineering. Mr. Tugino,ST.,MT.  is active training instructor, he has been delivering industrial training class to many companies in Indonesia for some subjects such as: Electrical Safety, DCS Operation and Maintenance, Genset Operation and Maintenance, Logic Control for Industry, Fundamental of Electrical, Advanced Process Control, PLC  SIEMEN  S7, Basic Telecommunication PABX, Audit Energi Listrik, Electrical Instalation in Hazardus Area, Low and Medium Voltage Switchgear, Cable  Fault Location  for  Testing of  Underground Power Cable, Protection of Electrical Power System, Building Maintenance Management, Generator and Excitation Operation and Maintenance, Lighning Protection and Grounding System, Basic Instrumentation and Control, Power Distribution System Protection, PLC Programmable Logic Controller using Siemen, Electrical & Mechanical Safety, Work at Height Scaffolding Safety, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Accuisition), Motor Maintenance and control, Control Valve and Instrumentation, And many others. Many companies has been becoming as participants in his training class such as:  Chevron Indonesia Company, PT Indocemen Cirebon dan PT Pertamina Limau, PT OCI Melamin Kaltim, PT total E&P Kaltim, PT Kodeko Pertamina, Indocemen  Kalsel  dan  PT  Pupuk  Kujang,  PT Petrokimia Gresik,  CNOOC SES  Ltd, ,PT Chevron Geothermal Drajat, PT MAK Kalasan dan  PT Pertamina Prabumulih, PT Kaltim Industrial Estate, PT Star Energy Bandung , PT Pertamina (Kedeco) Gresik, PT Telkom Bandung, PT Margaria Group Yogya, PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral, PT Tambang Bukit Asam, PT Star Energy Bandung, Politeknik Aceh, PT KPI Kaltim, PT Medco Palembang, PT Pertamina Cirebon ,PT Timah Bangka, PT PJB Bali, Refinery Cilegon, PT Chevron Duri dan Drajat , PT PKT Kaltim,PT INALUM Medan, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT PJB PLN Gresik, PT Chevron Drajat, PT Pertamina Jawa Timur ,PT Semen gresik &   PT YTL Jatim, PT  Sari Husada Yogyakarta,  PT Pupuk Kujang, Iros PTD Irak,PT Petrochina Jambi, PT PJB Gresik, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Semen Hocim Cilacap, PT Badak LNG Kaltim , PT. YTL Paiton Jawatimur,PT  Star  Energy Bandung, Medco Sumatra, PT Sriboga Semarang,PT PLN UJB Cirata, PT Indonesia Power Semarang, PT Indonesia Power Grati, PT Indonesia Power Semarang, PT DSM Kaltim, PT. Pertamina Learning Center, PT. PUSRI Palembang, PT. VICO Indonesia Kaltim, PT Kaltim Pasific Amoniak , UDIKLAT/PUSDIKLAT PLN (Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Makasar),  PT  Chevron  salak  dan  PT   Indonesia   Power semarang,   PT. IPMOMI Paiton, PT Chevron Garut, PTP,  PT PetroChina Sorong, , PT PERTAMINA Aceh, PT Pertamina Cilacap,  PT PERTAMINA Dumai, PT AZET Surya Lestari, PT Panca Manunggal Semarang, PG Jatiroto Lumajang Jatim and others.



Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)



4 hari



  1. 03 Sep 2019-06 Sep 2019
  2. 21 Okt 2019-24 Okt 2019
  3. 05 Nop 2019-08 Nop 2019
  4. 02 Des 2019-05 Des 2019



  1. Rp. 8.500.000/person (full fare) or
  2. Rp. 8.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  3. Rp. 7.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Modul Training
  2. Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Ransel
  7. Foto Training
  8. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
  9. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
  10. Instruktur yang Qualified
  11. Transportasi untuk peserta dari hotel penginapan ke hotel tempat training – PP (jika peserta minimal dari satu perusahaan ada 4 peserta)



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