How do you design and maintain a heat exchanger? Find the answers in the following heat exchanger training
Yogyakarta | 03 – 06 September 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 07 – 10 Oktober 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 05 – 18 November 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 03 – 06 Desember 2019 | Rp 8.500.000/ peserta
- Basic knowledge / Principles
- Heat Exchanger Formulas , Mechanical Standard , Process Flow
- Types of Heat Exchanger : Cooler , Heater , Condenser , etc
- Main Elements / Parts , Size Numbering and Type Designation
- Design of Sheel and Tube Bundle Exchangers ,
Storage Tank Heaters , Air-Cooled Exchangers , Pipe Coils ,
Fin Type Tube Plate Type Exchangers. - Standard International : TEMA , API , ASME , ANSI etc
- Operation and Maintenance of Heat Exchangers
- Frequency of Inspection and Methode of Inspection
- Discussion
Mengulang kembali , menambah atau meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang Heat Exchangers/ Peralatan Pemindah Panas dalam Process Produksi , baik standard , Operasi , pemeliharaan dan inspeksi sehingga operasi peralatan lebih handal , efisien dan aman.
Kepala Seksi, Supervisor dan Bagian Operation, Maintenance , Engineering , Para Pelaksana / Praktisi Lapangan, Operator , Planner , Inspeksi , dsbnya
Ir. M. Syahri, MT, Ph.Dand Team
Ir. M. Syahri, MT, Ph.D is alumnus from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNYK) and Institute of Technology (ITB) department of Chemical Engineering. Also alumnus from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) department Mechanical and Material Engineering. He has been as researcher at Oil and Gas; Renewable Energy Laboratory UPNYK, he is also being as Senior Surface Facility Engineer in some project and Training Instructor. Some projects have been handled by him such as Senior Surface Facility Engineer, Plant of Development TAC Ramba-Pertamina Field, Sumbagsel (2008); Plant of Further Development East Pamanukan Field, Pertamina DOH Cirebon – Rainbow Emerald (2007); Plant of Further Development Nglobo Field, Pertamina DOH JBT – Cepu (2005); Plant of Further Development Ketaling Barat Field, Pertamina DOH Sumbagteng – Jambi (2005); Also as Reviewer Team BP MIGAS, East Kalimantan Gas Deliverability (Vico, Chevron, TOTAL) (2007).He also gave many courses to the companies, such as: Basic Ammonia Storage, Transfer Equipment and Major Hazards Impact; Dehydration Process (Oil and Gas Operation); Clean Water Processing & Treatment for Industrial Application; Principle of Chemical Process Industry for non Engineer; Boiler Feed Water Treatment & Trouble shooting; Hazarous Materials Safe Handling;Basic Principle For steam Reformer, Shift Reaction, Operability Problem & trouble shooting; CO2 Removal Technology (Absorber, Striper) Trouble shooting and Operability impact; Catalitic Reactor in Ammonia Industry (Desulfurizer, Methanator, Steam Reformer, Ammonia Converter); Basic Fundamental Ammonia Synthesis, ARU And Process in Middle End Area; Inspection of Insulated Pipes Defects and Repairs Techniques; Emergency Handling in Ammonia Industry; etc.
VENUE :Yogyakarta (Ibis Styles Hotel/ Ibis Malioboro Hotel/ Jambuluwuk Hotel/ Cavinton Hotel/ Grand Zuri Hotel, dll)
DURATION : 4 days
- 03 Sep 2019-06 Sep 2019
- 07 Okt 2019-10 Okt 2019
- 05 Nop 2019-08 Nop 2019
- 03 Des 2019-06 Des 2019
- Rp. 8.500.000/person (full fare) or
- Rp. 8.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
- Rp. 7.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)
- Training Module
- Flash Disk contains training material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
- T-Shirt
- Backpack
- Training Photo
- Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
- Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
- Qualified Instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)