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Heat Treatment of Materials

Heat Treatment of Materials

Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 27 – 30 Juli 2015 | IDR 7,000,000


Study of the heat treatment processes and their effect on the microstructure and properties of metals. Emphasis is on steels, but all alloy systems of importance are covered.


Engineers, maintenance and production operatives in maintenance activities.


Heat Treatment of Materials is, largely, a discussion and problem course. It describes the thermal processing of alloys to illustrate the concepts of process metallurgy, physical metallurgy, and metallurgical design.
This is both a materials science and a materials engineering course on the manner in which temperature and time can modify the microstructure and properties of solid materials. The science behind the heat treatment of materials is stressed, so the course should be thought of as being more an educational experience than a training experience, one meant to provide for future growth rather than present skills.
The course is almost entirely concerned with metals. The diffusion controlled nucleation and growth of precipitating phases in non-ferrous (and ferrous) alloys are discussed. However, the emphasis is on the heat treatment of steels. This discussion stresses two points: (1) the importance of material selection and processing prior to the heat treatment on what happens during the heat treatment and (2) the need to understand the requirements of an application in metallurgical terms in order to select the material and design its heat treatment.
This course provides an introduction for the student who will later be involved professionally in heat treating. For those students who will be involved in other areas of materials engineering, it provides an introduction to the wide range of materials and processes available to meet design needs.


1. Properties of materials

  • Introduction and administrative matters
  • Stress
  • Fatigue Strength
  • Impact Strength

2. Technic of Material and Spesification

  • Fe-Fe3C Diagram
  • TTT/CCT Diagram
  • Hardenability

3. Heat Treatment in Steels

  • Annealing and Normalizing
  • Hardening and Tempering
  • Surface and Case Hardening


  • Presentation
  • Discuss
  • Case Study
  • Evaluation
  • Simulation


  • Dafam Fortuna Hotel Jl. Dagen 60 Malioboro Yogyakarta,
    27 – 30 Juli 2015
    4 days (08 am – 04 pm)


Teguh Pudji Purwanto, Ir, MT
Teguh Pudji Purwanto experienced more than 26 years in mechanical industry.


IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant non residential


  • Module / Handout
  • Certificate
  • Souvenir
  • Training Kit
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