Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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Hotel MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 22 – 24 Juli 2014 | Rp.7.500.000 per peserta
Hotel MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 26 – 28 Agustus 2014 | Rp.7.500.000 per peserta
Hotel MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 23 – 25 September 2014 | Rp.7.500.000 per peserta
Hotel MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 28 – 30 Oktober 2014 | Rp.7.500.000 per peserta
Hotel MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 25 – 27 November 2014 | Rp.7.500.000 per peserta
Hotel MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 01 – 03 Desember 2014 | Rp.7.500.000 per peserta


This course is designed to give students a good understanding of PLC. This course places a heavy emphasis on understanding the logic and operation of the PLC. Key concepts covered in the basic PLC course include: Programming AND/OR conditions, Seal/Latch instructions, Examine ON/Examine OFF instructions, PLC program scan cycle, program documentation, batch programming techniques, understanding PLC addressing, common program problems and bugs, safety considerations, programming counters and timers, comparison statements, numerical / integer operations, Latch/Unlatch instructions, hardware considerations, diagnostics and troubleshooting, emerging trends and capabilities. an.



  1. Brief history of PLC’s
  2.  Relay’s and PLC’s
  3.  PLC functions and possibilities
  4. PLC I/O addressing
  5. AND/OR programming
  6. Examine ON and examine OFF statements
  7.  Sealing bits/latch programming
  8. Program scan cycle
  9. Ladder logic programming documentation
  10.  Batch programming
  11.  Common problems and bugs
  12.  Safety considerations
  13. Programming counters
  14. Programming timers
  15. Numerical operations
  16. Comparisons statements
  17.  Latch/unlatch statements
  18. Advanced programming statements
  19. Hardware modules and accessories
  20. PLC installations and hookups
  21. Diagnostics and troubleshooting
  22. Emerging trends and capabilities




Wahyu Sapto Aji, ST, MT

Pakar dan konsultan dibidang electrical engineering. Kepala  Laboratorium Teknik Instalasi/ Kontrol /PLC UAD Yogyakarta.


Operator, teknisi, engineer, perancang, supervisor di IT departement, etc




  • Hotel  MM UGM Yogyakarta
  • 22-24 Juli 2014,
  • 26-28 Agustus 2014,
  • 23-25 September 2014,
  • 28-30 Oktober 2014,
  • 25-27 November 2014,
  • 1-3 Desember 2014
  • 08.00  – 16.00 WIB




  • Biaya Rp. 7.500.000 per peserta (Non Residential).
  • Pembayaran dapat dilakukan pada saat pelatihan



Training Modules, Training Kit, Certificate, Exclusive Souvenir, Dinner & City Tour, Coffee Break & Lunch

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