Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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Bogor | January 27 – 29, 2015 | Keterangan Harga di Proposal
Bandung | October 27 – 29, 2015 | Keterangan Harga di Proposal




Machinery industry / Manufacture or power plant is an important asset and supporting industry and has a highest critical level. It’s a major asset because it is a fundamental thing to do a production. It Has a high critical level means that if there is any sudden damage will have a big impact morally and materially. Therefore, machinery industry should be well managed so that it can be used economically, efficient and effective. To make an efficient and effective asset is required a good implementation of effective asset management. To make a well operated machinery is required a good implementation of preventive management and technique, scheduled and predictive management. By applying maintenance and asset management, assets can be managed properly, the symptom of damage can be detected as early as possible, further damage can be prevented, reducing the time-stopping machine and maintenance costs  could be pressed  and the company could get a higher profit.


After completing this course, participants are expected to:

  1. Understand the principles of asset management
  2. Understanding the role of assets in the industry
  3. Understand the asset management
  4. Understand the development of asset maintenance program / engine industry
  5. Understand the planning and maintenance machinery industry
  6. Understand the techniques and strategies for machine maintenance industry.
  7. periodic maintenance program to understand the machinery industry
  8. predictive maintenance program to understand the machinery industry



  • Electrical Enginer / supervisor
  • Instrument Engineer/supervisor
  • Profesionals
  • Plant Maintenance / Operator / Supervisor / Superintendent
  • Technician



  • Asset management in business
  • Asset and management structure
  • Asset maintenance program development
  • Maintenance planning and control
  • Plant maintenance strategy
  • Plant maintenance strategy
  • Plant scheduled maintenance
  • Plant predictive maintenance



Ir. Ating Sudrajat, M.Sc.

Ir. Ating Sudrajat, M.Sc has accomplished his Master degree in ITB majoring Industrial Engineering. He dedicated his time as a lecturer in Bandung State of Polytechnic. In 2006, he became a Technical Director in PT. Pinangmas Energi Cakrawala for one year. He is also a consultant and trainer of Logistic System, Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, Total Productive Maintenance, Planning & Scheduling Maintenance etc. To sharpened his skill and knowledge, he often following several course, such as Programming with Microsoft Fortran, Strength of Material and Material Technology, Maintenance, FESTO Management Services, Introduction to CAD/ CAE, Quality Management System, etc.


Fee includes the following:

  • Three-day registration fee for all Training sessions;
  • Lunch per day
  • Daily coffee/tea breaks
  • Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)
  • Quality Training Kits,
  • Convenient Training Facilites,
  • Certifícate of  Compleción


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