Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 9 s.d 11 April 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 16 s.d 18 April 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 23 s.d 25 April 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 6 s.d 8 Mei 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 3 s.d 5 Juni 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 11 s.d 13 Juni 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 25 s.d 27 Juni 2013 | Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
Jadwal Training 2013 Selanjutnya …
Two complementary philosophies form a powerful combination to change the organizational culture and establish a process for continuous improvement. The Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach, based on people and process, transforms culture and the way we view our assets. The Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) approach can be daunting, although it establishes a strong foundation for a maintenance strategy. Individually, both have been monumental approaches to maintenance excellence, but when combined have been proven to reduce downtime and increase productivity.
- TPM & RCM Introduction
- RCM & TPM = Increased Reliability
- The Background of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
- RCM Seven Step Implementation Process
- The Relationship between RCM and TPM
- A New Perspective on Failure
- The Background to TPM
- The Evolution of TPM
- Understanding the Importance of Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- Understanding the Cost Impact of Failure
- Impact of Multi-Skilling on Basic Equipment Conditions
- Equipment Defects – The Hidden Cause of Failure
- Using Operator Equipment Management Pillar to Induce Change
- Conclusion
Ir Bambang Heru Marwoto and Team
Merupakan tenaga pengajar senior pada institusiakademi maritim dengan spesialisasi ketatalaksanaan pelayaran niaga dan kepelabuhan. Berpengalaman dalam kegiatan pengajaran dalam kapasitasnya sebagai pemateri pada berbagai kegiatan pelatihan untuk SDM perusahaan.
- Maintenance Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor
- Rotating Engineer/ Superintendent/Supervisor
- Power Plant Engineer/Superintendent /Supervisor
- Manufacturing Manager
- Everybody who wants to broaden knowledge and interest in this topic
- Presentation
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Pre-Test & Post-Test
- Games
- Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta
- Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
- 21 s.d 23 Januari 2013
- 12 s.d 14 Februari 2013
- 19 s.d 21 Februari 2013
- 26 s.d 28 Februari 2013
- 19 s.d 21 Maret 2013
- 2 s.d 4 April 2013
- 9 s.d 11 April 2013
- 16 s.d 18 April 2013
- 23 s.d 25 April 2013
- 6 s.d 8 Mei 2013
- 3 s.d 5 Juni 2013
- 11 s.d 13 Juni 2013
- 25 s.d 27 Juni 2013
- 2 s.d 4 Juli 2013
- 27 s.d 29 Agustus 2013
- 3 s.d 5 September 2013
- 17 s.d 19 September 2013
- 24 s.d 26 September 2013
- 1 s.d 3 Oktober 2013
- 16 s.d 18 Oktober 2013
- 29 s.d 31 Oktober 2013
- 6 s.d 8 November 2013
- 12 s.d 14 November 2013
- 19 s.d 21 November 2013
- 26 .d 28 November 2013
- 3 s.d 5 Desember 2013
- 10 s.d 12 Desember 2013
- 17 s.d 19 Desember 2013
Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Bali, Lombok and Batam
(In House Training Depend on request)
- Fee course : Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
- Special price : Rp. 5.500.000,-/participant (Non Residensial) Minimal kirim 3 peserta
- Rp. 5.000.000,-/participant (Non Residensial) Minimal kirim 4 peserta
- Training Module
- Free High Quality Electronic Books for SDM
- Certificate
- Jacket or Batik
- Qualified Bag
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
- Qualified Instructor
- Transportation from airport / railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue