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Oil & Gas Surface Facilities – (ALMOST RUNNNG – Kurang 2 Peserta)

Oil & Gas Surface Facilities

Yogyakarta |  28 – 30 Agustus 2012  | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta  (ALMOST RUNNNG )
Yogyakarta |  04 s.d  06 September 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta | 18 s.d  20 September 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta |  09 s.d  11 Oktober 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta | 29 s.d  31 Oktober 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta | 12 s.d 14 November 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta | 27 s.d  29 November 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta | 12 s.d  14 Desember 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta
Yogyakarta |  26 s.d  28 Desember 2012 | 08:00-16:00 WIB | Rp 10.00,000,-/peserta



After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling with surface processes and operation facilities , and how to operate pump technology in field application.
  • Diagnostic of oil and gas flow  performance under actual pumping drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes.
  • Analyze the production flow potential of oil and gas flow under actual handling facilities system processes and to plan the better development processes according to fluid flow capacity.
  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects the phenomena of oil and gas handling processes and operation with given surface facilities and pumping system


  • Introduction to Oil and Gas Production Operation
  • Oil Surface Production Facilities
  1. Well Equipments
  2. Pigging System
  3. Separator
  4. Gas Scrubber
  5. Gas Dehydarator
  6. Pumps : Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Diaphragm
  • Gas Surface Processing Facilities
  1. Gas Sweetening
  2. Heat Exchanger
  3. Fractionation, Liquefaction, Refrigeration System
  4. Compressor
  • Pump Basic Theory
  1. Centrifugal Pump
  2. Conservation of Mass
  3. Specific Velocity
  4. Pump Performance
  5. Cavitations
  • Pump Specification
  1. Pump Specification
  2. Flow Capacity
  3. Fluid Properties
  4. Head
  5. Net Positive Heads
  6. Rotation Determination and Pump Types
  7. Viscous Fluid Correction
  8. Material Selection
  9. Prime Movers Selection
  • Pump Application
  1. Pump Installation Plan
  2. Pump Application Example
  • Pump Construction
  1. Pump Classification by Impeller
  2. Pump Classification by Casing
  3. Pump Classification by Stage Number
  4. Pump Classification by Axis Position
  • Pump Operation
  1. Head Capacity Curve
  2. Parallel and Serial Operation
  3. Capacity Regulator
  4. Water Hummer
  5. Surging
  6. Pressure Fluctuation
  7. Automatic Operation
  • Pump Instalation
  1. Horizontal Instalation
  2. Vertical Instalation
  3. Submersible Instalation
  4. Pipping System
  5. Vibration and Noise Protection
  • Pump Maintenance
  1. First Inspection
  2. Operation Condition Observation
  3. Safety Instrument
  4. Maintenance Management
  5. Overhaul
  • Pump Trouble Shooting
  1. General Trouble Shooting
  2. Submersible Pump Trouble Shooting

Who Should Attend

Technical and non-technical personnel of Oil & Gas Company who involves in or concern with daily onshore & offshore oil & gas surface production facility and equipment operation and maintenance and those who responsible of the continuity and integrity of the surface production and processing operation.

Instruktur :

Ir. Wibowo, MT

S2 – ITB, Magister (MS), S1 Teknik Perminyakan UPN Yogyakarta

Geothermal Technology : Teaching the Teachers I & III, Geothermal Institute, The University of Auckland – BPPT – ITB, Juli 1995 & 1996, Oil and Gas Pipeline Transportation System Design, IWPL – IATMI, Preparing Data for Reservoir Simulation dan Water Flooding, Texas A&M Univ. – ITB, Geostatistical Methods in Reservoir Characterization, The Use of Fractals for Reservoir Characterization and EOR Processes, USC – ITB

Pengalaman Kerja dan Profesi  : Studi Analisis Memory Production Log Test (MPLT), PT. Nesitor Jakarta, 2006, Ahli Utama Teknik (Senior Petroleum Engineer) bidang Teknik Reservoir Migas pada PT. Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantara, untuk Bidang Keteknikan Reservoir PT. Pertamina (Persero) DOH-Jawa

Course Method

  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Case Study
  • Simulation
  • Practice
  • Evaluation

Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan :

  • Batch II 04 s.d  06 September 2012
  •  Batch III 18 s.d  20 September 2012
  •   Batch IV 09 s.d  11 Oktober 2012
  • Batch V 29 s.d  31 Oktober 2012
  • Batch VI 12 s.d 14 November 2012
  • Batch VII 27 s.d  29 November 2012
  • Batch VIII 12 s.d  14 Desember 2012
  • Batch IX 26 s.d  28 Desember 2012

Jambu Luwuk Hotels Malioboro/ Ibis Hotels Malioboro Yogyakarta



Rp 10.000000,-/ participant Nett Non Residential (Min 5)

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