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Plant Life Management through Reliability Based Inspection (PASTI JALAN)

Plant Life Management through Reliability Based Inspection

Grand Seriti Hotel, Bandung | 14 – 18 Juni 2010 | Rp.8.250.000,-


  • Plant Boundary Definition
  • Damage Mechanism and Failure Mode
  • Corrosion Circuit and Criticality
  • Determination
  • Metal Loss Determination
  • Creep and Fatigue Failure Mode
  • Introduction to Structural Reliability and Probabilistic
  • Limit State Function & FOSM Formulation
  • Probabilistic Remaining Strength Calculation
  • Probabilistic Remaining Life Estimation
  • Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Plan and Strategy


The delegates recommended to attend this training are managers, engineers, superintendents, supervisors, inspectors and technicians involved in the decision making process in the inspection, maintenance and operation process.

The minimum education background of the participants is at bachelor level or senior high school with at least five years of experience.

note: There will be several instructors for this training to make sure that the right hand deliver the right materials to the participants.



Ir. Ahmad Taufik, M.Eng, Ph.D received his doctoral degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA in 1996 while his master degrees from McGill University, Montreal, Canada in 1991. His real industrial expertise is in the area of Reliability Assessment, Remaining Life Assessment, Metallurgical Failure Analysis, and Fatigue & Fracture Mechanics.

He is a regular lecturer for post-graduate students in Mining Department of ITB. He is also member of Metal Performance Group of ITB.

Some of his works in the industry are as follows: Residual Strength Analysis on Pipeline Grade API 5L-X65 at PT. Komaritime –Total Indonesia; Feasibility Study of Re-using Structural Steel Subjected to Heat During Fire in Montreal; Canada, Analysis of Heat Treatment Process Failure, PT. Hanco Foundry, Bandung, Analysis of Pipe Strength with High-low Defects at API 5L-X46 Standard Pipeline.

Public and in-house training he delivered during his carrier such as: Pipeline Reliability Assessment & Risk Analysis, Predictive Maintenance for Rotating Equipment, Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipment.

Mr. Taufik is registered as the member of American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) and American Society for Metal (ASM-International). Since 1981, he has published several books such as: Quantitative Analysis of Fatigue Behavior, Fatigue Damage, and Fatigue Fracture Surface of Low Carbon Bainitic Steel; Cyclic Deformation and Fatigue Behavior of Microalloyed Low Carbon Bainitic Steel.


14 – 18 Juni 2010
5 days

Grand Seriti Hotel, Bandung

Tuition Fee
Rp.8.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

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