PLC Operation, Programming, Troubleshooting and Maintenance
PLC Operation, Programming, Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Bandung | 05 – 07 September 2016 | Fee: at proposal
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, and PLCs are used in many industries and machines such as in Oil & Gas Industry. The oil and gas industry’s need to improve efficiency and control costs, that’s why most petroleum production facilities using the programmable logic controllers. The PLC is established with a goal to monitor and control oilfield sites distributed over extensive areas. Using automated machine interfaces, just one computer can start or stop the pumps in your pump station. In the meantime, you’ll have all the measurements and readings in your computer, making it possible for you to monitor everything that goes on outside. You can also use it to control voltage, power and all the electrical parameters you need. A PLC was designed to run its one program at a very fast speed, only branching out from within the main bit when an event happens. Events that happen in real time. The ability to respond very quickly to any of the events under its control via an input.
The objectives of the course are to:
- Understand the architecture and hardware of PLC
- Understand basic functions of PLC
- Understand Ladder diagram programming
- Understand Math function
- Understand Analog PLC operation
- Implement industrial automation using PLC
- Understand PLC wiring
- Understand PLC Troubleshooting
- Understand PLC maintenance
Course Highlights
- Introduction to PLC
- Hardware and Software
- PLC Configuration
- PLC Addressing
- PLC Programming
- Ladder Diagram
- ON-OFF Programming
- Timer, Counter, Drum Controller
- Bit/Shift Register
- Math Function
- Analog Module and Systems
- PLC wiring
- PLC Troubleshooting
- PLC Maintenance
- Computer Facilities
- Practical work using PLC Siemens S7-300 or S7-200, Allen Bradley, Modicon Schneider, Yokogawa or OMRON
- Simulation using PLC Software
- Application using Simulator Kit
Ir. Endra Joelianto, PhD.
Ir. Endra Joelianto, PhD., is an expert in control science and engineering, and industrial automation systems. His outstanding research is: Hybrid Control Systems, Discrete Event Control Systems, Petri Nets Analysis and Application on PLC, Robust and Advanced PID Controller and its implementation on PLC, DCS, Fieldbus, Industrial automation and Advanced Industrial & Control System Designs. He received first degree (Ir.) in Engineering Physics in 1990 from Department of Engineering Physics, ITB and Doctor of Philosofy (PhD.) in Control System Engineering in 2001 from Department of Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. He is a certified Professional Lecturer on Instrumentation and Control by Minister of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia.