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Bandung | 07 – 10 Agustus 2017 | Rp 8.500.000 – PASTI JALAN
Bandung | 26 – 29 September 2017 | Rp 8.500.000 
Bandung | 24 – 27 Oktober 2017 | Rp 8.500.000 
Bandung | 20 – 23 November 2017 | Rp 8.500.000 
Bandung | 04 – 07 Desember 2017 | Rp 8.500.000




Practical and Advanced on HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) Course covers the fundamentals and practical applications for understanding and designing HVAC including operation and maintenance and also solve practical problem of HVAC in industry. The comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals, system analysis, optimization concept, energy conservation, life cycle cost analysis and the related evaluation methods to make this the most complete course available today in achieving low life cycle cost system.


This course gives comprehensively understanding air treatment and heat transfer principle in reducing energy cost, besides essential knowledge of fluid mechanics in HVAC system. It plays important role on design, operation and maintenance, or solving HVAC problem in field. Project exercise or study cases are included in this course to give completely engineering and economical senses.


  • Enable to analyze and recommend the most effective solution available in Mechanical System Design for Building especially in HVAC system.
  • Enable to utilize energy as possible as saving due to limited energy resources.
  • Familiar and better understanding of all aspects relate to HVAC system in building.


  1. Mechanical and facility engineers
  2. Who responsible for selecting, design, operating and maintaining mechanical equipments for building


  1. Review of Fundamentals
    1. Basics of Heat and Measurement
    2. Thermodynamic Properties and  Process
    3. Mass and Energy Conservation
    4. Psychometrics and Air Treatment for HVAC system
    5. Heat and Mass Balance
    6. Unit Systems and Conversion
  2. Refrigeration Systems and Recent Technology
    1. Vapor Compression Cycle
    2. Vapor Absorption Cycle
    3. Ejector Refrigeration Cycle
    4. Solar-Powered Refrigeration Cycle
    5. Evaporative Cooling
    6. Cooling Tower
    7. Storage System
    8. Recent Related Technology and Application
  3. Refrigerant and Environment
    1. Global Issues in Environment and Protocol
    2. Refrigerant Types and Naming Rule
    3. Refrigerant Requirements and Desirable Qualities
    4. Choice of Refrigerant
    5. Refrigerant Retrofit Problems
    6. Suitable of Oil and Refrigerant
    7. Refrigerant Recycle and Reclamation
  4. Cooling Load Estimation and Thermal Transmission
    1. Health and Comfort Criteria
    2. Thermal Comfort and Air Quality
    3. Weather Data and Design Condition
    4. Internal Load and External Load
    5. Building Envelope
    6. Cooling Load Through Glass
    7. Load Estimation Methods
  5. Ventilation, Infiltration and Fenestration
    1. Types of Air Exchange
    2. Ventilation and Thermal Load
    3. Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality
    4. Driving Mechanism
    5. Airflow Through Openings
    6. Natural Ventilation Flow Rates
    7. Infiltration and Air Leakage
    8. Calculation Air Exchange
    9. Energy Flow and Air Movement
    10. Shading
    11. Day lighting from Fenestration
  6. Air-Conditioning Systems
    1. Thermal Distribution System
    2. Classic Single-Zone System
    3. Outdoor-Air Control
    4. Single-Zone Systems
    5. Multiple-Zone Systems
    6. Terminal Reheat Systems
    7. Dual-Duct or Multi-zone System
    8. Water Systems
    9. Unitary Systems
  7. Fan and Duct System
    1. Basic of Fluid Mechanics
    2. Conveying Air and Pressure Drop in Duct
    3. Design of Duct System: Velocity Method and Equal-Friction Method
    4. Optimization of Duct Systems
    5. System Balancing
    6. Centrifugal Fans and Their Characteristics
    7. Fan Laws
    8. Air Distribution in Rooms
    9. Diffusers and Induction
  8. Pump and Piping System
    1. Water and Refrigerant Piping
    2. Comparison of Water and Air as Heat-Conveying Media
    3. Water Heater
    4. Heat Distribution from Hot-Water System
    5. High-Temperature Water Systems
    6. Available Pipe and Tubing
    7. Pressure Drop in Water Piping Installation
    8. Pressure Drop in Refrigerant Piping Installation
    9. Pump Characteristic and Selection
    10. Design of a Water-Distribution System
    11. Sizing the Expansion Tank
  9. System Selection and Optimization for Low Life Cycle Cost
    1. Concept of Efficient HVAC System
    2. Concept of Low Life Cycle Cost
    3. Water-Cooled Chiller
    4. Air-Cooled Chiller
    5. Air Distribution System
    6. Water Piping Distribution System
    7. Cooling Tower Selection
  10. Balancing of HVAC System
    1. Common problem in HVAC system
    2. Basic concept of Balancing
    3. Important Parameters on Balancing
    4. Control Systems and Possibility
    5. Hydronic System and Balancing
    6. Procedure of Balancing
  11. Operation and Maintenance
    1. Refrigerant Recharging
    2. Refrigerant Recycle
    3. Normal Operation
    4. Maintenance
    5. Refrigerant Recovery
    6. Troubleshooting
    7. Reparation



DR. Ir. I Made Astina, M.Eng.  and Team

DR. Ir. I Made Astina, M.Eng. is currently assistant professor of mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB. He graduated from Mechanical Engineering Department ITB in 1992. Prior to his Ph.D. obtainment in Engineering (thermodynamics, school of science for open and environmental systems) from Keio University Tokyo, Japan in 2004, he received Master of Science in Engineering (mechanical engineering department) from the same university in 1997. His researches concern on thermodynamic, development of new thermal systems, thermodynamic cycles, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. His papers were published in international and national journals, besides he also presents his papers in international and national seminars. Besides teaching at the university, he also has experiences to give short courses for industrial practical engineers and publics and to collaborate practical consultant works.



Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)




4 days



  1. 07 Aug 2017-10 Aug 2017
  2. 26 Sep 2017-29 Sep 2017
  3. 24 Oct 2017-27 Oct 2017
  4. 20 Nov 2017-23 Nov 2017
  5. 04 Dec 2017-07 Dec 2017



  1. Rp 8.500.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 8.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  3. Rp 7.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company



  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

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