Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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Jakarta /
Bandung | 23 – 24 Oktober 2013 | Rp 3.500.000/person




Procurement management adalah proses pengadaan kebutuhan material, produk, & jasa pada korporasi / lembaga / institusi, yang di dukung oleh sistem & prosedur yang terintegrasi, di mana seluruh tahapan proses procurement, mulai dari; planning, sourcing, bidding, kontrak, purchase order, monitoring order, penerimaan barang, hingga evaluasi supplier/vendor dilakukan secara sistemik, akuntabel, & transparan.

Dalam prakteknya seringkali timbul permasalahan, mulai dari perencanaan yang tidak terintegrasi, perubahan harga & ketersediaan pasokan, seleksi supplier/vendor yang mengundang potensi fraud, miskomunikasi, hingga supplier/vendor yang wan prestasi terhadap kontrak & order.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta akan memiliki kemampuan untuk:

  1. Memahami regulasi, administrasi, & prosedur procurement
  2. Memahami keterkaitan planning & realisasi order, serta kendala internal dalam proses procurement
  3. Memahami implementasi sistem e-Procurement
  4. Memahami metode sourcing, teknik analisa penawaran, & strategi negosiasi
  5. Memahami proses evaluasi kinerja supplier/vendor.


Class presentation, discussion, case study, & video presentation, dengan konsep:

  • 20% teori berdasarkan literatur praktisi & regulasi.
  • 40% analisa best practices & benchmarking antar industri.
  • 40% studi kasus nyata & diskusi brainstorming antara trainer dengan peserta.


Para Praktisi & Profesional di bidang:

  1. Supply Chain/Logistics, Procurement/Purchasing, PPIC, Komite Pembelian, Unit Layanan Pengadaan.
  2. General Affair, Corporate Legal.
  3. Project Manager, Internal Auditor, Compliance Unit.
  4. Supervisor/Manager terkait proses Procurement.
  5. Yang ingin meningkatkan kompetensi di bidang ini.



  1. Procurement Strategy, Organization, Policies, & Procedures
  2. Procurement Plan & Order Management
  3. Strategic Sourcing
  4. e-Procurement System
    1. Discussion sharing & case study


  1. Vendor Selection & Bid Analysis Methods
  2. Pocurement Negotiation & Contract Management
  3. Vendor Managed Inventory
  4. Procurement KPI & Vendor Evaluation
  5. Case study & closing review

INSTRUCTOR : Deni Danasenjaya, SE, MM

Deni Danasenjaya,SE.,MM is alumni from university of Indonesia(UI)(majoring in Banking) and Mahardhika economics school(majoring in management science) for his bachelor program and he studied at Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) (majoring in agro business management) for his master program. To improve his competencies, he has followed many courses, such as : Manajemen Logistik Farmasi, Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping, Serial of Supply Chain Management Course, Serial of Export-Import Course, Managing Supplier Performance, Next Level Purchasing, Warehouse Management, Stock Exchange Integrated Training, Export-Import Management, Fixed Income Dealer, International Trade Finance, Deutsche Bank, Exim Course, Retail Banking System, Banking Operational System. Mr. Deni Danasenjaya is active instructor teaching training classes for topics such as Procurement Management, Supplier Relationship Management, Procurement Negotiation & Contracting Strategy, Procurement & Production Planning, e-Procurement, Warehouse Management, Vehicle and Land Transportation Management, Asset Management, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Fundamental, Procurement Management, Supply Chain Improvement, Procurement Negotiation, Export-Import & Customs Review. Mr. Deni Danasenjaya has many real working experiences, because he himself has been working in some companies or institutions such as PT. MetaSistem Solusi, Islamic Relief Indonesia, PT.Citra Transport Logistic, PT. Inter-Pacific Bank Tbk., PT. Bank Niaga Tbk.


  1. Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)
  2. Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta



  1. 15 – 16 Januari 2013
  2. 25 – 26 April 2013
  3. 18 – 19 Juli 2013
  4. 23 – 24 Oktober 2013


  1. Rp 3.500.000/peserta (bayar penuh) atau
  2. Rp 3.250.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp 2.950.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flashdisk contain training material
  3. Certificate
  4. NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Foto
  8. Training room with full ac facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffee break everyday of training
  10. Qualified Instructor
  11. Transportation from hotel of participants to hotel of training VV (if minimal participants from the same company is 4 )

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