Tag: Vibration Analysis
VIBRATION ANALYSIS & PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE Hotel Grage Ramayana, Yogyakarta | 14 -16 November 2011 | Rp 6.500.000,-/ peserta Hotel Grage Ramayana, Yogyakarta | 16 – 18 Januari 2012 | Rp 6.500.000,-/ peserta Latar Belakang The course explains basic vibration theory, the benefits of predictive maintenance and how to organize a predictive maintenance program. Coupled with . . . Read more
ADVANCE VIBRATION ANALYSIS Wisma MM UGM – Yogyakarta | 25 – 27 Oct 2011 | Rp. 7.500.000,- / participant DESCRIPTION This is an advanced level course intended for engineers with background in mechanical, structural or related engineering disciplines. Learn how to compute natural frequencies and response to dynamic forces, and design to reduce vibration of . . . Read more
VIBRATION ANALYSIS & TRIBOLOGY Hotel Grand Serela, Bandung | Selasa-Rabu ( 22-24) November 2011 | IDR 5.500.000,- DESKRIPSI Unit Pembangkitan Energi Listrik yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai macam peralatan pendukung seperti rotating equipment dan electrical system, sangat perlu menjaga keandalan pasokan energi listrik sehingga diperlukan suatu metode maintenance yang efektif yang . . . Read more
VIBRATION MEASUREMENT & ANALYSIS Hotel Grage Ramayana, Malioboro Yogyakarta | 14 s.d 16 November 2011 | Rp. 6.750.000,-/participant (non residential) Latar Belakang Condition Monitoring and in particular, Vibration Measurement and Analysis have become increasingly important in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of plant machinery during the last 20 years, due to escalating running . . . Read more
VIBRATION ANALYSIS and PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE Hotel UNY Jl Colombo Yogyakarta | 19-21 Sept 2011 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 4.500.000 per peserta Vibration analysis is an important tool in improving equipment maintainability and reliability. The economics of accurately diagnosing and minimizing vibration are indisputable. Millions can be saved . . . Read more
Advance Vibration Analysis Papandayan Hotel, Bandung | February 8-12, 2010 | Rp 8.250.000,- OBJECTIVES Improve Advance Vibration knowledge Detect The Mechanical Component Damage Prematurely Understand how to select and use instrumentation to measure vibration correctly COURSE OUTLINE 1. Aspek Teknologi Perawatan Prediktif Berdasarkan Getaran Permesinan Getaran & Kondisi mesin: . . . Read more