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The 2nd Mineral and Coal Mining Legal and Business Forum & Expo

The 2nd Mineral and Coal Mining Legal and Business Forum & Expo 2012

Kartika Plaza Hotel, Kuta Bali | Thursday Friday, 23-24 February 2012 | Rp 7,000,000,- / pax


When speaking of mineral and coal mining, there are two sectors to be concerned: the forestry sector and the mining sector itself. Both sectors arise a lot of legal issues in mining practices that need to be understood by the mining business owner and mining law practitioners.

The Enforcement and legal certainty in the mining sector, overlapping,  as well as the difficulty of obtaining permission to use & borrow of forestry area, spatial plan in relation with coal & mining, updates the renegotiation of mining contracts and the harmonization of national and local regulations related to mining have always been a major issue related to the mining law.

Furthermore, discourse of Mining Law revision that has been launched since the birth of this law is currently more and more widely voiced by experts mining institution, in addition to the impact of dispute authority of state institutions (SKLN) in the field of mining on legal certainty in the mining sector. Therefore, a dept understanding and knowledge of the said issues and its solution is absolutely necessary for legal consultants and practitioners of the mining sector

Time (WITA) Theme


08.30 09.00


09.00 09.05

Welcoming Remarks Director ICBLS
Keynote Speech

09.05 09.20

The Urgency of Harmonization and Reconciliation of National and Local Government within the Framework of Data Collection and the Issuance of Mining Business License, and Discourse on Moratorium of Mining Permit and Mining Law Revision as well as understanding Map of Mining Areas Dr. Ir. Thamrin Sihite, ME(Director General Coal & Mineral KESDM)

09.20 09.35

The impact of forestry Moratorium on Mining in Relation with Legal certainty in the forestry Area and Forest sector related. Bambang Soepijanto (Director General of Planology Forestry Ministry) 

09.35 10.00

Coffee Break and Networking Session Entertainmen
Panel Discussion : Mining Contracts Renegotiation
10.00   11.00 Masterplan Update of Contract Renegotiation and the Urgency of Mining Contract Renegotiation Ir. Dede Ida Suhendra M.Sc.(Director of Development of Mineral Exploitation) 
11.00 12.00 Contract Renegotiation from Perspective of Mining Association Martiono Hadianto( Chairman Indonesian Mining Association (IMA)
12.00 13.00 Lunch & Networking Session
Legal Certainty in Mining Operation in Indonesia
13.00 14.15 Update & Review of Preparation of Spatial Plan and its Completion DR. Ir. Ruchyat Deni Dj., M.Eng(Secretary of Directorate General of Spatial Plan)
14.15 15.30 Borrow- use area and forestry area overlapping, (in-depth understanding in relation with forestry minister regulation No.18 / 2011) Ir. Hudoyo, MM (Director of Forestry Area Utilization of Forestry Ministry )
15.30  17.00 The Impact of the East Kutai Authority Dispute Verdict Against Legal Certainty in Mining Practice in Indonesia  Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, SH., LL.M., Ph.D (Academics and Mining Law Practitioners)
17.00  17.15 Closing & Announcement
18.30 Gala Dinner & Entertainment (Music Performance & TraditionalDance)
Time  (WITA) Theme


08.30 09.00

Deepening Mining Law & Regulation

09.00 10.15

Conversion Procedures of Mining Authorizatio(KP) to Mining Business Permit (IUP) & CCOW Adjustment Under New Mining Law,

the Auction WIUP and verification,categorization and inventory (update) as well as the continuation of data collection of WIUP Clean & Non CleanDrs. Edi Prasodjo, M.Sc.(Director of Development of Coal Exploitation)

10.15  11.30

Discussion of Provisions of the ESDM MR No. 28 of 2009 related to Article 124 of Mining LawIr. Nur Handono(Head of Sub Directorate of Mining Operation Supporting Business KESDM)

11.30 13.00

Praying Time for the Moslem & Lunch DMO (Domestic Market Obligation) & Coal Price Outlook 2012

13.00   14.15

Socialization ESDM MR No.12 / 2011 on Determination Method of Mining Area and Information systems of Mining and Coal Area as well as Discussion of Regulation Draft No.23 of 2010 on the implementation of Business Activities of Mineral and CoalFadli Ibrahim (Head of Legal Division – KESDM)

14.15 15.30

In-Depth understanding of the DMO, Royalties and Determination of the Benchmark Price of Coal in Relation with ESDM MR No.34 / 2009 and No.17/2010 and Domestic Coal Price Outlook in 2012Nur Pamudji ( President Director of PT.PLN Persero)


  15.30 –  17.00   Legal Audit and Acquisition Process of Mining CompanyUnder Mining Law Luke Devine ( Foreign Consultant ofHadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners)       
17.00 17.15 Closing & Announcement

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