Recognize common rotating machinery malfunctions, understanding principles that govern rotating machinery vibration
Yogyakarta/ Solo/ Semarang | 09 – 10 September 2019 | Rp. 5.900.000,-
Bandung/ Jakarta/ Surabaya | 16 – 17 September 2019 | Rp. 6.900.000,-
Bali/ Batam/ Balikpapan/ Manado/ Lombok | 23 – 24 September 2019 | Rp. 7.900.000,-
Yogyakarta/ Solo/ Semarang | 30 September – 01 Oktober 2019 | Rp. 5.900.000,-
Jadwal Training 2019 Selanjutnya …
Peoplewill learn to read and interpret vibration data plots and to recognize common rotating machinery malfunctions. Students will develop these abilities by gaining understanding of the fundamental principles that govern rotating machinery vibration. Application of these principles will enable students to understand the basic root causes of machinery malfunctions and their corrective actions. Multiple hands-on labs will give students opportunity to practice their skills using real machine case histories and lab stations equipped with rotor kits and advanced diagnostic instruments. See Outline for more.
To provide the knowledge and skills to better operate, maintain, manage, diagnose and design rotating machinery using vibration information and fundamentals of rotating machinery diagnostics.
1. The Fundamentals of Vibration
- Basic Vibration Signal
- Displacement / Velocity / Acceleration
- Vibration Vectors
- Frequence
- Amplitude
- Phase
- Vibration of Machines
- Phase Measurement Workshop
2. Interpreting Vibration Data Plots
- Steady State Plots: Timebase, Orbit, Average Shaft Centerline Plots
- Start-up and Shutdown Plots: Bode, Polar, APHT
- Spectrum Plots
- Trend Plots
- Vibration Plot Workshop
3. Static and Dynamic Rotor Response
- The Rotor System Model and the Forces Acting on the Rotor
- Dynamic Stiffness and Rotor Behavior
- Single Plane Balancing
- Single Plane Balancing Workshop
- Modes of Vibration
- Anisotropic Stiffness
4. Introduction to Machinery Malfunction Diagnosis
- Unbalance
- Misalignment and High Radial Loads
- Rubs and Looseness
- Fluid-Induced Instabilities (Oil Whirl and Oil Whip)
- Shaft Cracks
- Rotating equipment engineers, operators, vibration analysts and technicians, supervisors and managers responsible for operation, maintenance and reliability of rotating equipment.
- OEM designers of rotating equipment who require knowledge of the root causes of vibration and the mechanisms that lead to harmful malfunctions.
Presentasi, Diskusi , Studi Kasus
- Hotel Santika Kuta, Bali
- Hotel Nagoya Plaza, Batam
- Hotel Fave, Balikpapan
- Hotel Aston, Manado
- Hotel Lombok Raya, Mataram
- Hotel Serela Merdeka, Bandung
- Hotel Santika Pandegiling, Surabaya
- Sofyan Hotel Betawi, Jakarta
- Hotel Ibis Solo
- Hotel Ibis Simpang Lima, Semarang
- Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta
- 09-10 September 2019
- 16 – 17 September 2019
- 23 – 24 September 2019
- 30 September – 01 Oktober 2019
- 07 – 08 Oktober 2019
- 14 – 15 Oktober 2019
- 21 – 22 Oktober 2019
- 28 – 29 Oktober 2019
- 04 – 05 November 2019
- 11 – 12 November 2019
- 18 – 19 November 2019
- 25 – 26 November 2019
- 02 -03 Desember 2019
- 09 – 10 Desember 2019
- 16 – 17 Desember 2019
- 23 – 24 Desember 2019
- 30 – 31 Desember 2019
Investasi dan Fasilitas
- Rp 8.900.000 (Non Residential, Belum Terasuk Pajak PPn 10%) untuk lokasi di Bali, Batam, Balikpapan, Manado atau Lombok
- Rp 7.900.000 (Non Residential, Belum Terasuk Pajak PPn 10%)) untuk lokasi di Bandung, Jakarta atau Surabaya
- Rp 6.900.000 (Non Residential, Belum Terasuk Pajak PPn 10%) untuk Lokasi Solo, Semarang atau Yogyakarta
- VIP training Rp 8.9000 (3 Hari, Non Residential dengan tambahan Fasilitas Paket studi lapangan/ City tour dan Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%) untuk Yogyakarta, Semarang atau Solo
- VIP training Rp 9.9000 (3 Hari, Non Residential dengan tambahan Fasilitas Paket studi lapangan/ City tour dan Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%) untuk Bandung, Jakarta atau Surabaya
- VIP training Rp 10.9000 (3 Hari, Non Residential dengan tambahan Fasilitas Paket studi lapangan/ City tour dan Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10% ) untuk Bali, Batam, Balikpapan, Manado atau Lombok
- Quota minimum 2 peserta
- Quota minimum 3 peserta ( Untuk Manado, Balikpapan dan Lombok Quota minimal 4 peserta)
- Fasilitas : Certificate,Training kits, USB,Lunch,Coffe Break, Souvenir
- Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/Stasiun ke Hotel khusus bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 orang peserta)
Ir Teguh Pudji Poerwanto MT and Team