By July 29, 2015 0 Comments Read More →



Yogyakarta | 24 – 27 Agustus 2015 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 15 – 18 September 2015 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 05 – 08 Oktober 2015 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 24 – 27 November 2015 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 14 – 17 Desember 2015 | Rp 7.950.000



Pemantauan merupakan aktifitas sangat penting untuk menjamin kelangsungan proses. Kelangsungan sebuah proses dapat mencakup kelangsungan operasi, penjaminan kualitas, penjaminan keselamatan dan sebagaimya. Sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi maka seluruh kondisi aktifitas industri diinginkan untuk dapat dipantau secara real-time. Hal tersebut sangat penting, karena jika diinginkan pengambilan keputusan yang cepat, maka keputusan tersebut dapat diambil dengan dukungan data yang terpadu dan terkini. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition atau SCADA, merupakan konsep yang dikembangkan untuk keperluan tersebut. Ibarat jendela yang dapat menembus seluruh bagian pabrik, semua data yang diinginkan dapat diakses tanpa batas ruang, waktu, maupun administrasi. Konsep maupun peralatan yang berpengaruh terhadap pengambilan keputusan tersebut tentu saja perlu dipahami seluruh jajaran terlibat, langsung atau tidak langsung. Pemahaman akan konsep dari dasar hingga pentingnya system yang terbuka (open system) sangat penting bagi siapapun yang terlibat. Selanjutnya sistem harus berorientasi pada informasi yang terpadu, fleksibel, dan lincah.



Dengan mengikuti pelatihan diharapkan peserta dapat memahami:

  1. Konsep dan tujuan SCADA
  2. Terminologi yang digunakan dalam SCADA
  3. Memahami SCADA, HMI, DCS, dan sebagainya.
  4. Memahami persyaratan peralatan yang digunakan dalam SCADA
  5. Memhami perlunya fleksibilitas dalam perancangan sistem SCADA
  6. Memahami open source dalam SCADA
  7. Memahami perannya dalam sistem yang menggunakan SCADA



  1. SCADA dalam implementasi industry
  2. SCADA, DCS, PLC dan Instrumentasi cerdas
  3. Dasar-dasar SCADA
    • a. Apa itu SCADA, HMI, DCS?
    • b. Hardware dalam SCADA
    • c. Filosofi pengoperasian
  4. Infrastruktur SCADA
    • a. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
    • b. Jaringan dan infrastrukturnya
    • c. Analog and digital input/output modules
    • d. Sensor, pengolah dan penkondisi data
  5. Arsitektur SCADA
    • a. Generasi pertama: “Monolithic”
    • b. Generasi kedua: “Distributed”
    • c. Generasi ketiga: “Networked”
  6. Alarming and reporting philosophies
    • a. Alarm system design
  7. Landline Media
    • a. Background to cables
    • b. Noise and interference on cables
    • c. Twisted pair cables and fiber optic cables
    • d. Public network provided services
  8. Local Area Networks (Lans)
    • a. Ethernet networks
    • b. Industrial Ethernet
    • c. TCP/IP
    • d. LAN connectivity: bridges, routers and switches
    • e. Redundancy options
    • f. Web based industrial SCADA
    • g. Wireless
  9. Protokol Sistem Komunikasi Industri
    • a. RS-232 interface standard
    • b. RS-485 interface standard
    • c. Fieldbus
    • d. Modbus
  10. Trend Pengembangan SCADA
    •  Open sistem dan pentingnya open system



Dr.Ir. Paryana Puspaputra, M.Eng., and Team

Paryana Puspaputra was born in Kotabumi on January 19, 1964, is a Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesia Islamic University – Indonesia. Undergraduate from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (ITB) in 1990 and master degree in Mechanical Engineering Department of Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan in 1996. He achieved his doctorate degree in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (ITB) in 2012. He is also experienced as consultant and training instructure for several manufacturing and oil company, such as Chevron, Total, KPA, Petrokimia, Semen, Indonesia Power, etc. His background in mechanical equipment and machinery is completed with knowledge in instrumentation technology which was started from his final project in undergraduate by making software and data acquisition for predictive maintenance, and continued with his graduate thesis in control system for nano technology. There are researches and industrial implementation in data acquisition such as building the DNC system for production-shop using CNC machine, developing the balancing machine for Panasia Indosyntex – Bandung, SCADA system Development based on Fuji Electric control system (for IPAL – Pertamina – Cilacap, Toxic Gas Monitoring – Dieng – Central Java, etc). Moreover, he is also an official trainer of softwares for design and manufacturing base on CAD/CAM Technology (AutoCAD, Inventor, and Delcam PowerShape, ArtCAM) and familier with some finite element based analysys softwares such as Moldflow, ANSYS, SAP, CAESAR II, etc.


Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)


4 days



JADWAL 2015:

  1. 24 Aug 2015-27 Aug 2015
  2. 15 Sep 2015-18 Sep 2015
  3. 05 Oct 2015-08 Oct 2015
  4. 24 Nov 2015-27 Nov 2015
  5. 14 Dec 2015-17 Dec 2015



  1. Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3. Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)



  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of SCADA training
  10. Qualified Instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)


Formulir Permintaaan Informasi Lanjutan / Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training
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  11. PRE REGISTRATION DATA (Tidak Mengikat)
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