Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

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BANDUNG | October 15-18, 2012 | Rp. 8.900.000,-/ participant



This special practical approach course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding

OBJECTIVES of applied Basic Thermal Process.


  1. Understanding the characteristics of a substance/material when a heat and pressure treatment.
  2. Understanding the heat transfer process, both in conduction, convection, and radiation, along with its application in Industrial Process or Oil & Gas.
  3. The process of heating and cooling.
  4. Understanding heat exchange system in a Heat Exchanger.
  5. Understanding how the heat is lost in the system piping.
  6. Understanding the effect of heat / fluid temperature on the performance of pumps, compressors, and turbines.
  7. Understanding how to change heat into energy.
  8. Understanding the thermal efficiency.
  9. Understanding the cycles of energy.
  10. Assessment of waste heat utilization and type of waste heat recovery devices.
  11. Energy efficiency opportunities.
  12. Case Study Power Plant.
  13. Case Study : Simulation by Using ASpenHYSYS
  • Participants are encouraged to bring laptops so they can practice the simulation with the software on a variety of case studies related to the theme. Some of the benefits of the simulation:
  • Train your intuition, feeling, to the phenomenon of changes in process conditions, especially heat / temperature in the field so that participants increasingly alert and responsive.
  • Some tools in the software will remind philosophies thermal processes (knowledge sharing)
  • It is useful to engineers / staff / operator to carry out research, plant and plant Analysis discussion,

No specified (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer).


Saripudin, ST. MT. was graduated from Chemical Engineering of ITB, now he is continuing his study for Doctoral Degree. He has experienced as instructor in oil and gas companies, such as training of Instrumentation, Control Valve, PFD, P&ID with Medco Energy E&P and PT. TGI, Instrumentation, Control valve, PFD, P&ID with Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore NWJ, Piping Simulation for FEED with Tracon Industry, FEED Oil Transferring Jambi-Palembang Pertamina Gas, Simulasi Oil & Gas Processing HYSYS with Chevron, Oil and Gas Piping Simulation with LAPI-ITB-Pertamina, etc. He is active in some organization, such as Himatek and he had held as a chairman of the paper recycling small industry in ITB Polytechnic. Now he still active as a lecturer in Chemical Engineering Department of Bandung State Polytechnic.


Integrated Quality Training Material (HARDCOPY AND SOFTCOPY) & Quality Training Kits will be delivered on registration, additional papers & handouts assignment.
Note-taking by participants is encouraged. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Appreciation attesting to their participation in the Training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed Training Questionnaire.

Casual Clothing is recommended. The Training atmosphere is informal
4 (four) days.

Registration Deadline: Sept 28, 2012

  • Rp. 8.900.000,-/ participants
  • Rp. 8.500.000,-/participants for more than 3 (three) participants from 1 company
  • Rp. 8.000.000,-/participants for more than 5 (five) participants from 1 company

Fee includes the following:

  • Four-day registration fee for all training sessions.
  • Lunch per day.
  • Daily coffee/tea break.
  • Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY).
  • Quality Training Kits; Convenient Training Facilities.
  • Certificate of Compleción.


  • Registration Form MUST be return in advance for attending the Training.
  • Full fixed fee is charged regardless of the length of time that registrant attends the Training.
  • Attendees are expected to attend all Training sessions and are not permitted to attend on a partial basis.


  • Cancellation received after the registration deadline, September 28, 2012 entitles the registrant to pay 50% from total payment.
  • Cancellation on the date will be recharged 100% from the fee.
  • No refund will be issued, if a registrant fails to show up at the Training on-site.



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