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Gas Turbin Control

Gas Turbin Control

Bali / Batam | September 03th -07th 2012  | Rp 10.000,000,-/peserta
Bali / Batam | September 25th -28th 2012  | Rp 10.000,000,-/peserta
Bali / Batam | Oktober 22th-25th 2012  | Rp 10.000,000,-/peserta


The purpose of this course is to introduce personnel to the turbo machinery package, explain system functions and interface, introduce proper operation procedures, and acquaint the student with basic maintenance procedures.

At the conclusion of this course the student should have a basic understanding of turbine engine theory, be familiar with the Solar turbine package and its components, understand satisfactory operation of the package, and be aware of routine maintenance procedures.

This course does not prepare the student to accomplish advanced maintenance and troubleshooting functions. Solar turbine package are built to exacting specifications and more extensive training is required before a serviceman is qualified to perform major repairs and adjustments



  •  Introduction to Gas Turbines
  1. Gas Turbine Thermodynamics
  2. Major Components of a Gas Turbine
  3.  Accessory Components of a Gas Turbine
  •   Gas Turbine Systems
  1.  Lube Oil System
  2. Hydraulic Oil System
  3.  Fuel Systems
  4.  Cooling and Sealing Air System
  5. Starting Systems
  6.  Additional Systems
  •  Mechanical Equipment Standards
  1. Applicable API standards
  2. AINSI PTC22
  3.  International standards (ISO)
  4. Specifications
  • Materials of Construction
  1. General metallurgical behavior
  2.   Gas turbine blade materials
  3. Turbine wheel alloys
  4.  Corrosion problems
  5. Wear problems
  6. Future materials
  7. Coating technology
  •   Control Systems and Instrumentation
  1. Pressure measurement
  2. Temperature measurement
  3. Vibration measurement
  4. Performance measurement
  5. Control systems
  6. Monitoring and diagnostic systems
  •   Gas Turbine Operations and Maintenance
  1.   Operating philosophies
  2.  Analytical on-line condition monitoring
  3.   Borescopy
  4.   Selecting maintenance approaches
  5.  Maintenance planning
  6. Spare parts and special tools
  7.  Inspection, overhaul and repair
  8. Maintenance control and documentation
  9.  Evaluating gas turbine maintenance effectiveness
  10.  Establishing and tracking performance indices




This is an excellent course for plant operators/technicians responsible for the day-to-day operations of a Gas Turbine. The course will also benefit maintenance personnel who are involved in the troubleshooting of operational problems. Shift supervisors and Team Leaders will also find the



IR. Teguh Santoso


Time  &  Venue

  • September 03th -07th 2012
  • September 25th -28th 2012
  • Oktober 22th-25th 2012
  • 08:00-16:00 WIB


Public Training

Course Fee: Rp 10,000,000,-/ participant Nett Non Residential (Min 3)



  • Module / Handout
  • Sertifikat
  • Souvenir
  • Training Kit


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