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Chemical Engineering Fundamentals for Non Engineer

Chemical Engineering Fundamentals for Non Engineer
Hotel UNY,  Yogyakarta | Senin-Rabu, 17 – 19 September 2012  Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta




This training is aimed at non-chemical engineers who need an overview of the function, principles, requirements, and operation of typical chemical process equipment and who need to communicate effectively with chemical / process engineers by gaining a basic understanding of the operational factors and design equations that are used by chemical engineers and how chemical engineering relates to their disciplines.tu.

  1. Pengantar Proses Industri Kimia
  2. Konsep Neraca Massa
  3. Pemipaan dan Pemipaan
  4. Proses dan Alat Perpindahan Panas
  5. Cooling Tower dan Prinsip Kerja
  6. Menara Destilasi dan Cara Destilas
  7. Absorber – stripper Unit CO2 Removal
  8. Tangki dan Bejana Tekan
  9. Troubleshooting / Studi Kasus dengan menggunakan OTS


Ir. Hj. Sri Suhendy, MM



Operating technicians, engineering managers who are not chemical engineers, chemists, and other engineers who need to interface and interact with chemical engineers on projects, new chemistry scale ups, and process evaluations.


  • Hotel UNY Yogyakarta
  • Senin-Rabu, 17 – 19 September 2012
  • 08.00  – 16.00 WIB


Biaya Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta (Non Residential)
Training Modules, Training Kit, Certificate, Exclusive Souvenir, Dinner & City Tour, Coffee Break & Lunch

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