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Hotel UNY Yogyakarta | Senin – Rabu, 16 – 18 Oktober  2012 | 08.00  – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 7.000.000 per peserta
Hotel UNY Yogyakarta |  Senin – Rabu, 19 – 21 November  2012 | 08.00  – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 7.000.000 per peserta





Distributed Control Systems (DCS) made its first entry in the seventies. Cheap microprocessors made the possibility to distribute control systems across the entire plant. Each controller control a limited part of the plant and each controller communicate to each other using a proprietary communication protocol. This is of course making the system becomes more configurable. DCS uses pre-programmed modules which are available to execute simple and more complex process control tasks. During the years that followed, DCS systems were used throughout the most diverse process industries in both continuous and batch applications. DCS applications in these different control environments made them increasingly mature, hundreds of configurable modules for every possible control problem were developed and stored in the system library. Using DCS, process controllers were able to handle tens, hundreds even thousands of control loops without jeopardizing the reliability of the complete control systems.

This training program is intended to give participants know-how on DCS systems. Moreover, the training will cover an introduction to FIELDBUS. In this program, participants will also know how different DCS with PLC.

Provides view to general questions toward Distributed Control System (DCS), such as: How and why DCS evolved? What hardware is used in DCS? And Many more. Compares distributed control to traditional single loop, central computer, PLC and PC architectures.


  1. Understand the concept of DCS
  2. Explain the components, architectures, operation of DCS and hardware in DCS
  3. Apply concepts body/mind reaction to audio and visuals symbols to meaningful human     machine interfaces
  4. Evaluate and justify potential benefits of DCS to improve productivity
  5. Examine evolution of process control to face changing needs
  6. Understanding of Distributed Computing
  7. Comparison of Current System Philosophies
  8. Controller Structure
  9. Sequential and Batch Control
  10. Operator Interface
  11. Alarms and Trending
  12. Communication Networks and Fieldbus
  13. Control Strategy and Configuration
  14. System Security
  15. Implementation for Industrial Control


This course is intended for engineers and technicians requiring knowledge of automation and distributed control. A section on trouble shooting methods is also included. Personnel in operations will also find this an invaluable course.


Miftakhul Hudha, S.T, M.Eng

S2 Degree, Electrical Engineering ,  UGM – Yogyakarta. Schneider Electric Mfg, 1999 – 2002, as Product Specialist. Records as Instructor : HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, DCS Operation, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for Power System Operation and Control, Calibration Management System, Process Loop Control System, Electrical Power System Analysis, Power System Analysis Using  ETAP, Industrial Process Safety and Control, Emergency Shut Down Logic System, Process Safety and Instrumentation Control System, Factory Process Automation, etc. Records as Consultant : Automatic Cane Carrier Control Based ON PLC, System Designing  and Implementation of Cap. Bank Control, Tasik Madu Sugar Factory, Sugar Mill DC Inverter Controller, Instrumentation and Automation Audit, etc.


  • Hotel UNY Yogyakarta
  • Senin – Rabu, 16 – 18 Oktober  2012
  •  Senin – Rabu, 19 – 21 November  2012
  • 08.00  – 16.00 WIB


Biaya Rp. 7.000.000 per peserta (Non Residential)


  • Training Modules
  • Training Kit
  • Certificate
  • Exclusive Souvenir
  • Dinner & City Tour
  • Coffee Break & Lunch



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