Informasi dan jadwal training engineering, IT, Migas, Laboratorium, HSE dan Bersertifikasi Resmi

Butuh Training tentang Engineering?

Silakan ketik kebutuhan training Anda di sini. Ada lebih 4.500 topik dan Puluhan Ribu Event sepanjang tahun 2025


Yogyakarta | 2-4 Juli  2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 9-11 Juli 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 27-29 Agustus 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 3-5 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 10-12 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 17-19 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 24-26 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta


This course is designed to give participants a good understanding of common instrumentation equipment and of the actual concepts and factors involved in setting up, calibrating, and troubleshooting common instrumentation sensors, transducers, and systems.

Course Content

  1. Reasons for measurement/overview/history
  2. Parts of the basic instrumentation and control loop
  3. Using process and instrument drawings (P&ID’s)
  4. Process control signals and common transducers
  5. Understanding the 4 to 20 milliamp current loop
  6. Signal conversions
  7. Basics of instrument calibrations
  8. Position, and speed sensors
  9. Temperature sensors and calibrations
  10.  Pneumatic and hydraulic pressure concepts
  11. Pressure, force, and strain sensors and calibrations
  12. Level detectors and calibrations
  13. Fluid and gas flow concepts
  14. Flow detectors
  15. Typical problems in instrumentation systems
  16. Smart instruments
  17. Instrumentation data communications and networks
  18. Trends in sensors and instrumentation
  19. Designing and installing instrumentation systems
  20. Troubleshooting instrumentation systems

Who Should Attend

Operators, technicians, electricians, maintenance personnel, engineers, managers and supervisors


Ir. Teguh Santoso

(Expert in Instrumentation & Calibration)


Time & Venue

  • 2-4 Juli  2012
  • 9-11 Juli 2012
  • 27-29 Agustus 2012
  • 3-5 September 2012
  • 10-12 September 2012
  • 17-19 September 2012
  • 24-26 September 2012
  • Hotel Melia/IBIS/Jambuluwuk/ atau hotel lainnya yang akan dikonfirmasikan melalui undangan seminar.
  • Time : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Course Fee

  • Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta (Non Residensial)
  • Jumlah peserta minimal untuk pelaksanaan di bandung  5 (lima) orang, sesuai konfirmasi yang kami terima seminggu sebelum pelaksanaan. Dalam hal jumlah peserta kurang dari ketentuan minimal tersebut maka keputusan pelaksanaannya dapat dibicarakan kedua belah pihak untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik.
  •  Pendaftaran peserta minimal 3 peserta  dari  perusahaan yang sama, akan mendapatkan discount 10,5% per peserta


  • ·Module / Handout
  • ·CD  softcopy Materi
  • Sertifikat
  • Bag or bagpackers
  • Training Kit
  • 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch
  • Souvenir
  • Airport pickup service ( hanya untuk Jogja)
  • Training room full AC and Multimedia



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